
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Interfaith Prayer

Whenever these interfaith prayer deals happen...they always confuse me. What good is it, in God's book, if we get a Buddhist, Hindu, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Satanist, Voodoo priest, Warlock, Jew and a Christian together to offer up prayers? (I know...this sounds like the start of a joke)

Various religious leaders prayed for world peace as the sun was rising behind hills at Red Rock Consecrated Sanctuary in Reno (Nevada, USA) on September 12 morning.

Other religious leaders who participated in this Interfaith Sunrise Prayer Service for World Peace included: Gene Savoy Junior, Head Bishop of International Community of Christ; William Bartlett, Buddhist priest; Roya Galata, Baha’i elder; Sean Savoy, Chancellor of the Jamilian University of the Ordained; Yuki Matsushita, Bishop of Church of the Second Advent in Japan; etc.

See it here;

So where do you suppose these prayers are going? Who is hearing them? Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through the Son...who is currently sitting at the right hand of God interceding for we can be pretty sure that these interfaith deals might make the people FEEL better but it makes one wonder if they don't do more to bring about judgment from God....who clearly says He is a jealous God.

If you haven't read it lately, go read the story about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. (1 Kings 18:16-46) I love that story and it might give us some background of how God views the prayers offered to false gods.

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