
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer Camp

When you say the phrase, "summer camp" makes one think of swimming, campfires and arts and crafts. But if you are a kid in Gaza, summer camp takes on a whole different meaning.

Hamas continued to gain strength this past summer as about 100,000 youngsters underwent radical anti-Israel indoctrination at dozens of summer camps run by the terrorist group – which also attacked United Nations camps, its main competition – according to a report released on Tuesday by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center According to the report, more than 100,000 children and teenagers participated in the Hamas camps, which included paramilitary training and military parades. The Islamic Jihad terrorist organization also opened 51 different summer camps for over 10,000 children.

See it here;

This sure doesn't sound good for the peace process. And if these little grade-school kids are being taught to hate Jews and Israel at a young age...I'm gonna guess that hatred is going to stay with them for the rest of their lives....maybe another 60-70 years.

Anyone want to make a wager that Israel and Hamas will sign a peace agreement in the near future?


  1. Hi Dennis,

    I like wagers, we need to clarify terms.

    Would September 28 to 30, 2011 fall into your definition of near future?

    If so, count me in for 20 bucks.

    There would be a great deal that needs to happen between now and then to make this come about. Building starts up again on the 26th of this month. Some have already started. If there is a backlash many of the Muslim chat boards predict it needs to be before our US election cycle. This would be the spark. It will be an interesting couple of months. It will be winter before it is all sorted out. I speculate that Isaiah 17 is the key stone that holds it together. When that is removed things will move quickly. Then look to the Hadiths



  2. Hi Tom,
    you will need to clarify what you think is ticking for 2011 and what is significant about September? Is it some Muslim date?

    I'm with you on Isaiah 17....and it sure looks like that one is brewing and lots of rumors going around that Israel is getting ready to hit southern Lebanon...which would bring in Syria.

  3. Hi Dennis,

    The first two fall feasts have yet to be fulfilled. They bracket the last week in Daniel’s 70th week.

    These seventy weeks represent seventy times seven prophetic years of 360 days.

    Feast of the Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) to The Day of the Lord is 7 years. Around 2550 days or 86 moons based on the Metonic Cycle prophetic year of 360 days.

    When you look at 7 year cycles that start on Rosh Hashanah that have 86 moons the next one is September 2011. The next gate after that will be Rosh Hashanah 2014

    For the last week of Daniel to begin a peace treaty would have to be signed in September 2011 to meet this 7 year gate.

    Additionally the prophesy in Isaiah, Amos, Ezekiel, Psalms, and Thessalonians has to transpire. A great deal to get done in a short amount of time! Line these prophesies up with what is in the Hadiths and you get a sequence of events. Read the documents I sent you and you will understand the operations plan. Lots of moving parts.

    To understand Daniel’s 70th week and the Metonic Cycle:


    Watch this series

    Once you have read and watched these please let me know if you have any questions.

    Yours in Christ,


  4. Thanks Tom. I will look at this stuff and get back to you. One thing I am familiar with but have NOT studied is the feasts. I just haven't gotten around to it...but maybe this will spur me on.

    Do you agree with 2 Thessalonians that the peace agreement won't be signed until after the rapture of the church? In other words, do you agree that the Antichrist will not be revealed until the "restrainer" (Holy Spirit) is removed?

    It would stand to reason that The Church WILL NOT SEE the peace agreement signed because, of course, that would reveal who the Antichrist is.

  5. Hi Dennis,

    This document just hit the street. Shariah: The Threat to America – An exercise in competitive analysis, Report from Team “B” II.

    It systematically documents the true nature of Shariah; the obligation its adherents have to engage in jihad – either through violent or stealthy means.

    The report is also available and downloadable at

    Let me know if you have questions.



  6. Hi Dennis,

    Yes, it is my understanding that the peace agreement will be after the rapture and Ezekiel’s war. The restrainer will be gone and the door to the age of grace closed. This is when Israel will wake up and know that God is with them. After this war the Mahdi is revealed to the world based on how it lines up with the Hadith's.

    No one knows the day or hour but I think you can bracket the rapture between the next twinkling of an eye to the Rosh Hashanah signaling the last week. Whatever one that may be. In order for the rapture to be imminent it is my understanding it has to be pre 70th week.

    Once Isaiah 17 occurs move your prophetic slide rule out to the next Rosh Hashanah 86 moon cycle window. This brackets the rapture between two points. I speculate that the destruction of Damascus will usher in the black flags from Koreshan that leads to Ezekiel’s war and the establishment of the caliphate. The Truce treaty of seven years with a Jew of priestly lineage between Israel and the Mahdi is in the Hadiths just like Dan 9:27. According to the Hadith’s he will bring the world to worship Allah. Establish Islam as the only religion. Just like Rev 13:4

    The Mahdi’s assistant, Isa, will kill ad-Dajjal who exercises miracles that will torment the world. This corresponds to the witnesses in Rev 11:1-14 I like in the Hadith’s where it says that Dajjal will dissolve like salt in water. So when the dead witnesses are taken after lying in the street for 3 1/2 days people will say you see it was written. Then comes the Tribulation.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Yours in Christ,


  7. Have a look at this web site



  8. Wow those Gavin Finley vidios are amazing!

  9. Tom and Dennis – I think I’m following.

    Tom- When you say the below, are you saying that Rosh Hashanah 2014 is the start of the 70th week? So the Church is ruptured between this very twinkle and Rosh Hashanah 2014?

    “No one knows the day or hour but I think you can bracket the rapture between the next twinkling of an eye to the Rosh Hashanah signaling the last week.”
    “Once Isaiah 17 occurs move your prophetic slide rule out to the next Rosh Hashanah 86 moon cycle window. This brackets the rapture between two points.”

    Dennis – Do you agree?

  10. Hi April and Dennis,

    I will attempt to clarify my previous comments. I am saying that Rosh Hoshanah 2011 could be the start of the last week.

    Have a look at this link: in particular the chart about mid way down.

    Based on the metonic cycle the 7 years could start Rosh Hoshanah 2011, 2014, 2016, 2019...

    If Eziekel 37 valley of the dry bones is the gathering of Israel back as a nation in 1948. (Note it could also be 1967 when the temple mount was captured.)

    If this gathering corresponds to Matthew 24:32-33 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

    If the generation that sees this will not pass away Luke 21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

    If a generation is 70 years: Psalm 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

    If all of these things are correctly in alignment. Then to have all this fulfilled by 1948 + 70 = 2018 then the only remaining metonic gate available is Rosh Hoshanah 2011. (2011 +7 = 2018)

    There are certainly other ways of looking at this. No one except our father in heaven knows the exact date or hour of the rapture. Through his word we are allowed to see the signs and indications that his return is near. We must always be ready. Luke 12:35 Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.

    Read this article and reflect on the role of end time Persia: Future Belongs to Iran

    Read Iran, Syria presidents meet in Damscus after Assad-U.S. talks; Ahmadinejad says Israel has no place in the future of the region

    Yours in Christ,


    PS: Make a study of the Feasts

  11. Good stuff Tom. I sure hope you're right! I agree with your observation about 70 years from Psalms but there is also the passage that points to 80 years. I need to get educated on the feasts...but I do know that the spring feasts had a lot to do with Jesus first it would sure make sense that his second coming would be around the fall feasts.

  12. Hi Dennis,

    Good point on the 80 years from the later part of 26 Psalms 90:10 The length of our days is seventy years, or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

    There is also 40 years - Numbers 32:13 And the Lord’s anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the Lord, was consumed.

    You can also cite an older reference of 120 years - Genesis 6:3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    The longer the salt will remain the better. It gives more opportunity to witness.

    Here is a thought for you. If the date was never written could it be that it is negotiable through prayer? Just as Abraham petitioned God to spare the doomed city of Sodom. Do we have the opportunity to petition God to let the salt remain for as long as the law will allow?

    Abraham did not ask simply save the "righteous" in Sodom. He asked that the entire city be saved for the sake of a few (Gen 18:26) He did this so that the "righteous" could lead the people in Sodom towards repentance. The longer the door to the age of grace remains open those that are lost have a chance to be called by the spirit.



  13. You and I are definately on the same page as far as wondering if we can "know" how long a generation is...and wondering if that may tie into Christ's return.

    I think you are onto something in wondering if the timing may be open ended. On the one hand Luke tells us that Jerusalem will be trampled until the fullness of the gentiles is complete. To me that means when the last gentile says yes to Christ....the Father will send the son to collect his bride. But that timing could be open ended because the Church as been disobedient and the "fullness" is taking over 2000 years.

    However, if God is omnicient, he knows who will accept Christ before he even plants you in your mother's womb. He knows who the bride is...and he knows when the last person will say "yes" and thereby complete the bride.

    Also April, remember that the rapture doesn't start the 70th Week of's the signing of the peace agreement with Israel and the Arabs that will start the clock ticking on it. The rapture will have taken place already...probably some months or years earlier.

  14. Maybe Abraham petitioned God to spare the doomed city of Sodom because God put that on his heart to petition. Maybe that was the vehicle to save Lot and his family?

    I am also reminded of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
    Luke 10:34-25
    He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

    And also
    2Peter 3:8
    Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

    So maybe 2,000 years have gone by since Christ's death and any time after that is his tarring? And "reimburse you for any extra expense you may have" is for the Holy Spirit since The Holy Spirit is guiding comforting us now till Jesus comes to rapture his church.

    I believe that the church's time here isn't open ended. It's God's plan and His purposes are met because He said so, not cuz we aren't doing something we should or shouldn't. He sends the laborers out.

    Am I missing something? I don't wan to be in error so I hope that you both will tell me if I am.
    Just some thoughts. Sorry if they seem a bit elementary.
