
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

UFO Coverup

I haven't asked the question for a while so I will ask it again for anyone who is a new reader; Do you believe in angels? If you said yes, then by definition you believe in aliens....because an angel is not human but is a creature of intelligence. That means it is an alien. Also the Bible mentions a few races of angels; Cherubim and Seraphim. The book of Enoch goes on to mention a third race, but I can't remember it right now.

So could an angel come to earth? The Bible clearly says they have and they do.

Can a fallen angel come to earth? The Bible clearly says they are already here.

So could a fallen angel be working to deceive ignorant man into believing they are something that they really are not? Of course! Isn't Satan called the "Prince of the power of the air?"...and also called the "Father of all lies"?

So with that as a backdrop, the world seems very interested in talking about aliens and UFO's.

Today I ran across this article from a really smart dude. He is a nuclear physicist and he claims that the world's governments have been covering up what they really know about aliens.

"After 53 years of investigation, I'm convinced we're dealing here with a cosmic Watergate," he told AOL News. "That means a few people within major governments have known since at least 1947 that some UFOs are alien spacecraft."

"A 747 over Alaska encountered something that was twice the size of an aircraft carrier, that flew circles around the jet. They reported it to the ground, where both the UFO and the 747 were picked up on radar."

The explanation from debunkers was that it was Jupiter! Boy, airplane radar can pick up Jupiter? It was totally ludicrous. You're fighting the forces of 'evil,' one might say -- arrogance and ignorance."

See it here;

Funny that he uses the language, "You're fighting the forces of evil..." because I believe that is exactly what is going on. Satan is cooking a big, evil deception and millions of people would rather believe we were planted here by aliens....and if those "aliens" do show up anytime soon...millions (billions?) of lost, confused humans will take the bait.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the Father. Following demons capable of performing false signs and miracles will be a big mistake for many during the last days...says the Bible.

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