
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gloomy Billionaires

Every year a group of billionaires get together to have a secret meeting and talk candidly about what they see coming down the pipe.

At this years meeting it is being reported that even the billionaires are concerned about what they see coming.....and there was a consensus of gloom.

“They saw the United States in a long-term slow growth environment with the near-term risk of recession quite real,” said Wien, in a commentary to Blackstone clients. “The Obama administration was viewed as hostile to business and that discouraged both hiring and investment. Companies and entrepreneurs were reluctant to add workers because they didn’t know what their healthcare costs or taxes were going to be.”

So what are the billionaires buying if this environment continues? Wien said “vacant office building,” “farmland” and “Africa” were some of the ideas thrown out. Not too many things for the regular investor.

See it here;

It seems interesting to me that team Obama can't figure out the main reason why employers won't be hiring any time soon; Answer;...because they have no idea what it is going to cost them to hire that new employee! 2011 starts in less than 4 months and we have no idea what the tax code is going to be. Are the Bush tax cuts going to expire? How much will Obama Care cost to provide coverage on a new employee? Will there be anyone with a job to buy the stuff my company is going to produce?

One thing that IS for certain....people don't make long term plans when they are uncertain about what is happening 4 months from now.

I almost wonder (again) if Team Obama is doing things to crash America ON PURPOSE? Could America's decline be one more puzzle piece put into the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and FINANCIAL SYSTEM that the Bible says is coming?

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