
Monday, September 13, 2010

Turkey Votes to be More Islamic

Of course we continue to watch Turkey with much interest....because they are one of the main players names in Ezekiel 38. The Turks have become very anti-Israel as of late, and it all happened at a VERY fast pace.

Also of interest is that as they have fallen away from The West, they fell right into the waiting arms of Russia and Iran...also people groups who are mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 coalition...the coalition who will one day gather to destroy Israel.

So what's up with Turkey today? It seems they just had a big vote and the Turks voted to be more DEMOCRATIC and also more ISLAMIC. Kind of sounds like a "Good news", "bad news" type of story.

This week's referendum in Turkey was a vote of confidence for Erdogan’s combination of democratic and pro-Islamic policies. The Turkish populace approved on Monday a major series of changes in the country’s constitution, removing power from the military and giving more weight to democracy, human rights, and Islam.

What does the vote mean for Israel?

“Turkey’s relations with Israel cannot get much worse than they are at present,” says Dr. Eyal Ginio, Chairman of Hebrew University’s Department of Islamic and Middle East Studies, “but in any event, Turkey knows that its relations with Israel are important. They won’t get worse, but neither do I see them getting much better quickly.”

Asked if the referendum makes Turkey more democratic or more Islamic, Ginio said there is not necessarily a clash between the two: “Turkey is a very unique model. The ruling party speaks mostly about democracy, but also is against the secular approach of separation of Islam from government; they feel that democracy and Islamization go together.”

Asked if Turkey has a religious majority, Ginio said, “It is very hard to know, and I don’t know of any studies or polls. But it is clear that Islam is becoming stronger in Turkey’s public sphere…

see it here;

So what else is clear about countries in which Islam becomes stronger? We would expect to see more violence, less human rights for women and gays, more hatred towards Israel, and less tolerance towards Christianity.

Remember to pray against the spirit of Islam in your daily prayer life. After all, this IS a spiritual battle...which means that all the guns, bullets, and bombs we throw at Islam won't mean a dang thing. Until America remembers it's past as a CHRISTIAN NATION and the majority of Americans turn back to a fear of the Lord, humble themselves, seek His face (personal relationship with Christ)...and start praying for our enemies....only then will we have a chance.

Otherwise, hatred and ill-will towards Muslims will ONLY have us moving right into Satan's territory...which is exactly where he wants us to be.

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