
Friday, September 10, 2010

No Peace Please

Funny that we paraded Netanyahu and Abbas in front of all the cameras in D.C. and talked grandly of peace. I think Obama maybe even got a photo opp out of the deal.

Anyway, while they were smiling, Hamas was telling the truth back in Palestine.

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said that no one will be obligated to adhere to a potential peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Israel Radio reported on Friday.

Any agreement to come out of the current peace talks would be illegitimate because the Palestinian Authority has not been authorized by the Palestinian people to negotiate on their behalf, Haniyeh stated.

See it here;

Remember, Abbas is not part of Hamas...he is a member of Fatah. If you recall Fatah was run out of Gaza a few years ago when Hamas started butchering them. Why? Because they weren't violent enough for Hamas' taste. (Side note question; Who kills more Muslims than anyone? Answer; Other Muslims)

Abbas truly can't speak for the Arabs of Palestine. He is just barely holding onto power.

But hey....forget about that....lets take some more pictures with President Obama!

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