
Friday, September 10, 2010

Mass Extinctions

According to scientists the animals of planet earth are going extinct at an alarming rate. I don't doubt this...but I'm pretty sure I will have a totally different idea of WHY this is taking place.

Human activity such as fishing, agriculture and logging have greatly accelerated the rate at which species go extinct. As of last year, one in eight birds, one third of amphibians and almost a quarter of mammals were threatened with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Today's rate of extinction may be as great as 100 times the historic norm, according to LiveScience. Some scientists even say that we're entering a new phase in the Earth's history, called the Anthropocene Epoch.

See it here;

I have a better idea....maybe we are entering a new phase in the earth's's called the Millennium and will be ushered in when Jesus Christ is sitting on the Throne of David.

Until that day the earth will groan and quake, famine and drought, rise and fall. It is simply groaning with anticipation of what it WILL become.

Hat tip to Becky M.

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