
Friday, September 10, 2010

Obama Asked to Lead Muslims

In Pakistan there is a Government Minister of Industries that believes if Obama offered Muslim prayers at Ground Zero and agreed to be the Caliph of Muslims.....then, "all the problems of the Muslim world would be solved."

Minister of State for Industries and former member Pakistan Ideological Council Ayatullah Durrani called TheNation on Wednesday to register his demand made to President Obama. “The coming Eid would expectedly be observed on 9/11, this a golden opportunity for President Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero and become Amir-ul-Momineen or Caliph of Muslims. In this way, all the problems of Muslim World would be solved,” he thought.

Durrani argued that Muslim World was in “dire need” of a Caliph and the distinguished slot of Caliphate would earn President Obama the exemplary titles of what he termed, “Mullah Barrack Hussain Obama” or “Allama Obama.” “The time is approaching fast. Barrack Hussain Obama must act now. This is a golden opportunity, Muslims badly need it,” he added, saying that the elevation of President Obama to Muslim’s Caliphate would be the “key to success.”

See it here;

Wow. Where do even start with this one? First off it does help to confirm that millions of Muslims around the world believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. I wonder why that is? Of course he denies it and claims he saved by Jesus why don't millions of Muslims believe him?

It's funny that CNN, NBC, ABC, etc...don't send camera crews all over the Muslim world and ask why many of them believe Obama is a Muslim. Why do some of you think it would be a good idea for him to serve as The Muslim Caliphate?

Also, could this tiny little article be more foreshadowing of what may be coming for Obama? Of course you know that many believe he has designs on being the President of the world. This little stop over in America for 4 years as POTUS is just a warm up for his speech giving capabilities. And once he is done with this term in 2012...he will be off to bigger and better things. Never mind being the leader of 300,000,000.....maybe there are BILLIONS that he could lead?

I know some of you believe that Obama will end up being the Antichrist. Of course the Bible is clear that Christians will NEVER know who the AC is while we are on earth. Paul makes it very clear in II Thessalonians that the Holy Spirit will be removed (rapture) before the Antichrist is revealed.

But this article casts just a tiny bit more spark on the fire of "what is Obama up to?"

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