
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning Korans

Of course everyone is weighing in with comments and thoughts about a little church in Florida that plans to burn a few Korans to commemorate 9/11 attacks. We even have Obama giving comment that doing such a thing could seriously make Muslims mad all over the world.

But now Iran has weighed in with their thoughts about who the real culprit is in this Koran burning conspiracy....SURPRISE!!

Tehran on Thursday said that Israel was behind the plan by a United States pastor to burn copies of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the official news agency IRNA reported.

Aha! It's those dang Jews who flew to Florida, drove into the woods, found that Podunk church with 50 people in it, told the pastor to grow pork-chop sideburns...and BURN SOME KORANS!!

"The current U.S. administration should fulfill its duties in guaranteeing the basic rights of American Muslims for avoiding the spread of such inappropriate and devilish moves," Mottaki said.

How about the Iranian government guaranteeing the basic rights of Christians and humans, in general, within their country? Would that be possible? Oh that's stone women for inappropriate behavior...and hang gay-men for crimes of perversion. Never mind.

Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani, one of the senior clergy figures in Iran, on Wednesday harshly condemned the Koran-burning plan and called on the U.S. administration to arrest Terry Jones.

OK Mr. Golpaygani, how about you arrest your President Ahmadinejad for saying the Holocaust never happened and for calling for Israel to be wiped off the map and for lying to international community about your nuclear activity? That is SO offensive to us!! Or how about for sending money and missiles to Hamas and Hezbollah so they can educate their children in the art of Jew hatred, suicide bombing and learning to be victims...a role that Arabs and Muslims seem to play very well?

See article here;

This whole thing is so can only be happening this point in history when everything seems to be coming apart with alarming speed.

I wonder where the outrage was when Saudi Arabian Airlines forbade Bibles to come on their airplanes or come into their country? Where was the media coverage? Where was the flag burning demonstrations as we jumped on Saudi flags and demanded death to all Saudis? Really? never happened....huh.

And of course the U.S. military is saying that burning Korans is exactly what the Muslim extremists want because it will play into their hands and help them recruit other extremists. Good point. However, let's remember that we already do plenty of things that are helping the Taliban recruit teaching women to read, letting women hold public office, producing pornography, allowing unmarried people to dance and have sex....they can already download lots of YOUTUBE videos of America that will help them recruit.

If they are already filled to the brim with hatred....can it really make it worse if some guy in Florida with pork-chop sideburns wants to burn a few books?

Finally, if the media would have ignored this from the beginning...they wouldn't have helped to inflame the Muslim world. Pork-chop would have burned his books and only 50 people in the Okefenokee Swamp would have known about it. So what's up with that??

I have a feeling that burning Korans won't accomplish much and as a follower of Christ I may come to the conclusion that burning them won't help to lead lost people to Christ so maybe it should be avoided.

But I am amazed by the hypocrisy of Muslim nations (Iran) and also amazed by the hypocrisy of the U.S. media who seems to cover this Koran burning 24 hours per day...but don't seem to have any interest in the ban on Bibles in most Muslim countries...and also don't seem real concerned when Hollywood offends Christians by portraying Christ in un-Godly character, plays and art. When that happens...of course they are the champions of freedom of speech.

What a joke.

Persecution is coming friends. You can smell it in the air. And the more you believe that all the Bible is true...the more you will come under attack.

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