
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

Yesterday we were talking at a prophecy luncheon and someone asked, "If we are seeing all these things (signs the Bible talks about)...what are we supposed to do?"

Of course the short answer is that we are supposed to, "Snatch people from the fire." That's what Jesus told us to do when we see all these things.

So how is that done?

Apostle Paul says we will run and never grow tired. How could that be? Maybe it's because Paul is talking about using the Spiritual gifts that God promised all believers...and if we use those gifts, we will be given a supernatural strength from God himself to keep working and working and continue to find more and more joy and fulfillment in the work God has prepared for us.

Of course if we are doing work that we are NOT supernaturally empowered to do....we will wear out and collapse pretty darn easy.

So the longer answer is that we are supposed to discover our Spiritual gift (or gifts) and then use those gifts to help the body and bride of Christ (The Church)...and when you do that you will be doing your part to help snatch people from the fire. You will be salt and light to a dark world.

Your neighbors and un-saved friends will be attracted to you. They will want to find out how you continue to be upbeat and positive in such a dark economy or such dark personal circumstances.

So how do you discover your Spiritual gifts? Many times they will be pointed out to you by other mature followers of Christ. It's like other people can see them...even if you can't.

But if you need to get started somewhere so you can get busy and get to work...I found this little survey that asks some questions and may help in leading you to what gifts you have.

See it here;

Of course we all want to be busy when the Master returns....because the Master said it will go well for those servants.

So it doesn't matter if you are 18 or 98....we are all responsible for using the talents (gifts) that God gave us so that we can glorify God and snatch others from the fire....before the door slams shut.

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