
Thursday, October 28, 2010

And the World Goes Dark

Over the past few years we have spoken of an EMP (Electro-Magnetic-Pulse) and the danger that one could have to our electronic society.

An EMP can come in two different ways. One is from a solar-magnetic storm and the other would be from an atomic bomb detonated over the USA.

This week, USA TODAY has an article on EMP's that is very interesting. It's title is fairly ominous; ONE EMP BURST AND THE WORLD GOES DARK.

It's true that Western civilization has become 100% dependent on the electricity being available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. With no wouldn't take long for the looting and crime to commence.

Fear is evident. With the sun's 11-year solar cycle ramping up for its stormy maximum in 2012, and nuclear concerns swirling about Iran and North Korea, a drumbeat of reports and blue-ribbon panels center on electromagnetic pulse scenarios.

"We're taking this seriously," says Ed Legge of the Edison Electric Institute in Washington, which represents utilities. He points to a North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) report in June, conducted with the Energy Department, that found pulse threats to the grid "may be much greater than anticipated."

Now pay close attention to what this guy says about terrorists and nukes;

One complication for rogue nations or terrorists contemplating a high-altitude nuclear blast is that such an attack requires a missile to take the weapon at least 25 miles high to trigger the electromagnetic pulse. For nations, such a launch would invite massive nuclear retaliation from the USA's current stockpile of 5,000 warheads, many of them riding in submarines far from any pulse effects.

Any nation giving a terror group an atomic weapon and missile would face retaliation, Butt and others note, as nuclear forensics capabilities at the U.S. national labs would quickly trace the origins of the bomb, Butt says. "It would be suicide."

Mr. Butt....question please.....what if the CIA already has hard evidence that Iran is practicing EMP launches from missiles concealed in steel cargo compartments aboard freight ships? Follow up question please....Mr. Butt.....HAVE YOU NOT HEARD THAT MANY MUSLIMS ARE HAPPY TO COMMITT SUICIDE IF IT MEANS DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH?

The fact that Mr. Butt would believe that death for a terrorist is some kind of frankly a little frightening. Mr. Butt, .....newsflash; MANY TERRORISTS ACTUALLY WANT TO DIE! That's why they call them "SUICIDE BOMBERS"!

I also wonder if Mr. Butt has any idea of who the 12th Imam is? Does he understand that the leaders of Iran are all "twelvers"...meaning they believe the return of the Imam is imminent...and that their role is to cause global chaos to make the conditions ripe for his return?

If they could spark a nuclear exchange to ignite a global you think they may be capable of doing that?

Anyway, you can see the article here;

As you read the parts about the solar storms and the power of does make you humble to realize how out of control we humans really are....and how dependent we are on the Creator of the universe for each and every breath we take.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I think you will want to keep a watch on these...

    IRGC Planning Countrywide Wargames

    "The future is that of Islam and it will overtake the world," Ayatollah Emami Kashani said, addressing a large and fervent congregation of people on Tehran University campus on Friday.

    Good reading here...

    Read the Farsi text using Google translate...


