
Friday, October 29, 2010

Most Popular British Name?

If one was asked what is the most popular British name that parents are naming their newborn boys....I think we would all guess, "Jack" or "Angus" or "Oliver". But of course we would all be wrong.

The correct answer is....Mohammad.

Yes, that's right. The most popular baby name is now in honor of the inventor of Islam.

Muslims make up roughly 3% of Britain’s 58 million people, but their birth rate is higher than the norm for England.

See it here;

Did you catch that Muslims have having more kids than the normal British couple? That is most definitely one of the plans issued by the Muslim Brotherhood to take over open societies....they will just have more kids... and in 30 years time will be a majority....and then they can change the laws by electing their own leaders.

I tell you...that Satan dude....he is one crafty adversary.

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