
Monday, November 1, 2010

Satan Preps the Ground

It appears more and more prophecy watchers are beginning to come around to the same understanding about UFO's and "aliens" that we have been proposing. Mainly that the "aliens" are really demonic beings and/or some type of Nephilim (Genesis 6) hybrid that will be used in Satan's last great deception...probably to be used soon after the rapture of the church.

Hollywood has been doing it's part to prepare the population of planet earth to accept the idea that we are not alone in the universe, by unleashing a plethora of movies about aliens, UFO's, abductions, etc...

There is another movie coming out in the next few weeks called SKYLINE. It appears to be about some aliens coming and snatching people from planet earth. Again, by looking at this plot line, we have more evidence that Satan is preparing a myriad of explanations to those who are left behind, as to where all the Christians went.

Today the most visited prophecy website on earth had this to say in their weekly update;

Satan’s present-day warm-up act, designed to mesmerize people of planet earth, has at its heart great deception that will delude most who are left behind following the Rapture. The Holy Spirit resident within the church (each Church-Age saint) will remove from acting on the consciences of mankind as He has been doing during this present Age of Grace.

Following the removal of the church, it will apparently be impossible for those who deliberately rejected the Holy Spirit’s call to salvation before the Rapture to have any chance for redemption. The Lord will not let those people escape the delusion Satan’s man, Antichrist, will produce. They will be doomed to believe a specific lie, Paul’s prophecy indicates.

Some prophecy watchers observe Satan’s preparations for bringing to the world’s attention the man who will be his most infamous protégé. These–and I include myself--consider decades of fascination with extraterrestrial sightings to possibly be key to the old serpent’s concocting the “lie” of 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

Documentaries continue to fill cable TV networks, raising questions about whether we are alone in the cosmos. Reports of UFO sightings titillate the imaginations of brains already prepped by fictional accounts of invaders from far-flung places in space, such as in the current TV show titled V.

The latest such silver-screen fiction about intruders from space is the film Skyline. Its story line is most fascinating, as the Star Trek Enterprise’s first officer, Mr. Spock, might say.

One official synopsis of this latest movie about visitors from space states the following.

After a late-night party, a group of friends are awoken in the dead of the night by an eerie light beaming through the window. Like moths to a flame, the light source is drawing people outside before they suddenly vanish into the air. They soon discover an otherworldly force is swallowing the entire human population off the face of the earth. Now our band of survivors must fight for their lives as the world unravels around them. (

Sounds eerily familiar to something from the Bible we address frequently on Rapture Ready, doesn’t it? But God’s Word is nonfiction–absolute truth. Such a scenario is prophetically scheduled to actually happen. Revelation 12 foretells that Satan and his fallen angelic horde will be cast to earth for the final time. John was told to write “Woe to the inhibitors of the earth” when that happens.

The second Beast–the False Prophet—will call fire down from heaven (Revelation 13:13) in the sight of men. Many students of Bible prophecy who observe these strange times in which we live think these things will likely be part of the lie of 2 Thessalonians 2:11, which earth dwellers will believe--i.e., the major part of the lie will be that those who have disappeared from earth have been taken for reasons held by the “extraterrestrial” entities.

Today, we are being “entertained” by Antichrist’s warm-up act. But, it will be the Lord of Heaven –Jesus Christ—who will bring down the final curtain on Satan’s great impostor.
And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

See it here;

No doubt Satan is working overtime. He can see the signs all around. He knows we are in the season of the Lord's returning....first to snatch his bride like a thief in the night....and Satan will need to be ready to run when the Restrainer is withdrawn.


  1. Hummm...

    A 7 year lease with the PA...

    He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven'.???

    Could this be the start of the covenant negotiations?



  2. some Christians who don't believe in a pre-trib Rapture (or at all) would have problems explaining all the UFO type activity in recent years. Why would Satan want to prep the world for something that wasn't true? And....if Christians remain when the Antichrist rises, what is the Church doing during this time? Rolling over and playing dead? The antichrist would have millions of christians to contend with let alone the 144,000 witnesses and the other two witnesses to contend with.
