
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jews/Arabs Reach Boiling Point

Israel continues to be front and center on headline news. I plucked this headline off of Google from the Washington Post;
Jewish-Arab relations in Israel hit boiling point

Relations between Israel's Jewish majority and its Arab minority have never been warm, but they appear to have hit a new low that has activists on both sides worried the troubled relationship is beyond repair.

In the past month alone, Israeli lawmakers have introduced a series of bills that aim to marginalize Arabs. Rabbis in a northern town have urged followers not to rent homes to Arabs. Extremist Jews marched through this town and set off a violent riot. And a prominent Arab activist has admitted in a plea bargain to spying for the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah.

These repeated run-ins have threatened to turn what has long been an atmosphere of distrust into open hostilities as Jews increasingly question the loyalty of their Arab neighbors while jittery Arab residents fear they are being unfairly characterized as a threat from within.

"The Arab community is terrified. They see the legislation, they feel the atmosphere. They see the discourse and they feel insecure. They feel like they need to protect themselves," said Jafar Farah, head of "Musawa," an organization promoting equality for Arab residents. "And some of these people think they should fight back."

See it here;

No doubt, something is getting ready to pop in the Middle East and the pin to pop the bubble could come from many different directions.

I find it interesting as to why the Palestinians living within Israel don't just sell their houses and move to Gaza or the West Bank where Palestinians are in control? The answer is that they are currently enjoying more freedom, opportunity and social services as Arabs living in Israel than they would have as Arabs living in ANY other Arab country in the world.

So they would rather just continue blowing the "victim" horn in hopes that if they blow it long enough the world will finally see things their way...and force Israel to give up land it fought and died for. looks like that day may be coming sooner than later...when the world will join together to pressure Israel to give up land...Promised Land, that is.

1 comment:

  1. I read this and immediately grabbed my travel insurance enrollment form for Israel-- gotta get on that! Praying for trip cancellation due to Rapture not due to extremists on both sides. Thanks for keeping up this blog, Dennis.
