
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Overtake the World

It's funny/interesting/scary/concerning/ludicrous (choose your adjective) that the world seems content to ignore what many Muslim leaders are saying...and these are Muslims who may soon have the atomic bomb.

"The future is that of Islam and it will overtake the world," Ayatollah Emami Kashani said, addressing a large and fervent congregation of people on Tehran University campus on Friday.

"The difference in human society must be limited to certain factors such as race, language, countries and borders and everyone must be united in action and ideology," Ayatollah Kashani reiterated.

See it here;

When you further understand that this particular speaker believes that the 12th Imam is soon returning to take over the world.....and then you read his comments about how, "....everyone must be united in action and ideology." makes you believe that the world seems to be cartwheeling towards a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and also a ONE WORLD RELIGION.

Funny how the Bible says that's EXACTLY how the Last Days will play out.

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