
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Doors of Destruction

Satan's pattern is pretty unmistakable.....first he comes after the Jews and then he comes after the Christians. As his rage does the slaughter of Jews and Christians.

Of course I am well aware that Muslims killing other Muslims is the leading cause of death in the Muslim Satan's fury can spill over in all directions and the shrapnel can kill anyone who happens to be standing too close.

Yesterday in Iraq some Muslim suicide bombers took over a church in Baghdad and the result was 50-60 Christians were killed.

Today there was a Christian church firebombed in Jerusalem....I believe in the Arab quarter of the city.

Now we see this headline;

Resurgent al-Qaida threatens Christians in Iraq with 'destruction'

Al-Qaida in Iraq has threatened more attacks on Iraq's Christians, claiming that they are legitimate targets who now face the "doors of destruction".

The warning, published today on militant websites, came three days after gunmen from an al-Qaida front group, the Islamic State of Iraq, raided one of Baghdad's main cathedrals during Sunday mass. More than 50 people were killed and dozens were wounded when Iraqi forces stormed the church in an attempt to lift the four-hour siege.

In its statement, ISI described the pope as "the hallucinating tyrant of the Vatican" and warned that Christians would be "extirpated and dispersed" from Iraq. "All Christian centres, organisations and institutions, leaders and followers, are legitimate targets for the muhajideen wherever they can reach them," the statement said. "We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

The scale of the church massacre and Tuesday's bombing blitz has horrified security chiefs who have claimed credit throughout the year for the capture of senior militants across the country.

"It is true that al-Qaida are strong again," said General Diyaa Hussein Sahi, the head of Baghdad police's major crime unit. "It is also true that many of them have been freed from the prisons. They are dangerous people and we are doing our best to find them."

See it here;

I think Whoopi Goldberg and Joan Behar from The View should go over there and have a talk with these al-Qaida folks. Ask them what made them so blood thirsty and so zealous for killing infidels. Of course they should preface this conversation with a leading question....something like this;

"I know that Islam is a religion of peace and we all certainly know that Mohammad was a man of peace (peace be upon him) and the reason you are so angry at Christians is because we had a Christian extremist group almost burn your beloved holy book, The Koran?"

Seriously though, we need to be praying for our sisters and brothers in Christ who are living in Muslim lands. As soon as they are marked with the Holy Spirit, they are going to light up like Christmas trees in that dark, Satanic land. We need to pray that they will stand firm as the Day of the Lord draws close.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this...

    Abbas Warns of ‘Holy War’ over Rachel’s Tomb

    Did you see the article about 46% of the PA favoring missile attacks...

    Once the peace talks end I would expect things to heat up quickly...

    Your thoughts?


