
Thursday, November 4, 2010

$600 Billion More Being Printed

Today's Wall Street Journal has the headline in big, bold print;
Fed Fires $600 Billion Stimulus Shot.

The Federal Reserve, in a dramatic effort to rev up a "disappointingly slow" economic recovery, said it will buy $600 billion of U.S. government bonds over the next eight months to drive down interest rates and encourage more borrowing and growth.

Many outside the Fed, and some inside, see the move as a 'Hail Mary' pass by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. He embraced highly unconventional policies during the financial crisis to ward off a financial-system collapse. But a year and a half later, he confronts an economy hobbled by high unemployment, a gridlocked political system and the threat of a Japan-like period of deflation, or a debilitating fall in consumer prices.

The value of the dollar has fallen in anticipation of a flood of new American currency hitting global financial markets.

There are immense unknowns and many risks.

In essence, the Fed now will print money to buy as much as $900 billion in U.S. government bonds through June—an amount roughly equal to the government's total projected borrowing needs over that period.

In normal times, a Fed spending spree on government bonds would be highly inflationary, because it would flood the economy with money and raise worries about too much government spending. The mere worry of too much inflation in financial markets could drive long-term interest rates higher and cause the Fed's program to backfire.

Did you catch that?? The Fed is just going to print another $900 billion....with nothing backing it. In essence they are just telling the rest of the world to, "trust us."

See it here;

So what Dennis? What does this have to do with anything...especially the Bible?

As we all know, America is no where to be found in prophecy. That means that as the Last Days play out, America is not going to be one of the players. So where did she go?

Remember that our entire financial system of printed money hinges on the "full faith and confidence" in the U.S. Treasury and/or U.S. Government. If the confidence vanishes the the U.S. dollar won't be worth the paper it is printed on....and we will fall from power with a mighty crash.

Here is what the National Inflation Association believes is on its way;

Quantitative easing is nothing more than the Federal Reserve printing money and creating inflation. This quantitative easing steals from the purchasing power of the incomes and savings of all Americans. While Americans are distracted by the mainstream media with daily debates by the Democrats and Republicans about taxes, U.S. taxes have almost no where near the effect on the lives of middle class Americans as does the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and quantitative easing.

Once Americans realize just how rapidly their dollars are being debased and losing their purchasing power, it could cause a rush out of the U.S. dollar and trigger hyperinflation as early as year 2012.

With prices of assets soaring in recent months just in anticipation of Bernanke's quantitative easing announcement, it shows that the world's financial system is already flooded with trillions of dollars in excess liquidity. Unless the U.S. government immediately implements dramatic spending cuts across the board, NIA believes the world is going to lose confidence in the U.S. dollar and it will be impossible for the U.S. to survive past the year 2015 without the U.S. dollar becoming worthless.

Hmmmm??......I wonder what kind of chaos would ensue if the U.S. dollar becomes worthless? I wonder if that all helps to explain why America is not found in the Bible during the Last Days.....because we have literally come apart by believing paper money could supply all of our needs?

Jesus said that you cannot worship God and Mammon (god of material possessions and money). America is sure at the center of Mammon worship and no doubt it has even permeated our churches. We have become the church of Laodicea....and God warns that because we are lukewarm, He is about to spit us out.

Could all these events be connected?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis...

    Germany accuses US of breaking promise on monetary policy...

    What we said is that we would consider tightening our belt, not that we would do it...

    How many QE cycles can we go through?


