
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rachel's Tomb=Holy War

Islam has a pattern. Whenever it invades and takes over a land, they immediately locate where the most important places are of the religion that they just overthrew....and they build a mosque on the site.

That's exactly the reason we have two mosques sitting on the Temple Mount....because the Muslims who overthrew Jerusalem knew that Solomon's Temple and the rebuilt version, both sat on God's Holy Hill.

Today this Muslim practice may be the source of another flash point as Mahmound Abbas warns that their may be a "holy war" over Israel's claims to Rachel's tomb....where (of course) the Muslims had already built a mosque.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas warns of a “holy war” over Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem. Muslims claim it is a 1,000-year-old mosque, although Islam - only 1,300 years old itself - began publicly claiming the site only 44 years ago. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu accused Abbas of “hypocrisy.”

The Prime Minister announced earlier this week that the ancient tomb, located immediately south of Jerusalem, and the Patriarchs’ Cave (Me'arat HaMachpelah) in Hevron, are Jewish heritage sites that will be refurbished. Genesis Chapter 23 describes the purchase of the Patriarch's Cave by Abraham in order to bury his wife Sarah, and Genesis 35, 19 describes that Rachel "died and was buried on the road to Efrata which is Bethlehem...the sign of her grave stands until today."

Now get ready to show a look of sincere surprise as you read this next paragraph;

The entire Muslim world has protested Israel’s initiative, and the United Nations has expressed “concerns.” Hizbullah, Iran, Egypt, Syria and Jordan warned that the move is a provocation, and Hamas outrightly called for violence. Abbas, visiting in Brussels, told the Belgian parliament in Brussels that the move is a “serious provocation which may lead to a religious war.”

See it here;

I know this isn't a very Christian thought....but sometimes I find myself wishing that Hizbullah, Iran, Egypt, Syria and Jordan would just start the war already! I'm sick of hearing about all the reasons you folks are willing to wage holy war!! If it's not over houses then it's going to be over tombs....if it's not over Temple mounts then it going to be over land they lost and are still crying about 45 years later!! I feel like telling them all to either get on with it or just SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. Don't forget it kills and drives out all other religions...



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Here a a couple of must reads...

    IDF Historian: The Left Won't Wake Up Until It's Too Late

    Intelligence Chief’s Warnings of War Taken Seriously


