
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Become a Farmer

The legendary investor, Jimmy Rogers, gives an interview to Yahoo Finance. He says quite a few interesting things...and I will post the video for you to watch.

1) He says to become a farmer. He is correct in that no one is going into farming and he believes that when the money becomes worthless, having a tangible job of creating something the world needs will be a growth industry. Coincidentally, the front page of the Wall Street Journal today has its top headline;FARM BELT BOUNCES BACK

2) He says that central bankers around the world will "keep printing money until they run out of trees." That's pretty funny.

3) He says that the folks who are making the calls on printing money in hope of re-igniting the economy are making a big mistake. He goes on to clarify that those folks aren't very bright....and that's why they are in Washington D.C. That's pretty funny too.

4) He says that the U.S. dollar is a terribly flawed currency. I guess he agrees with us on that front.

"When you print a lot of money, the people who get the money are better off -- there's no question about it. But the country, the world is worse off," Rogers says. "Sure some of us feel much better, especially people in the financial markets but...the world is not getting better. The world is getting worse."

"Central banks and governments are going to print money until we run out of trees. It's outrageous," he says. "Printing money is not the right thing to do, but they don't know that. Eventually, they'll run out of trees."

The dollar is a "terribly flawed currency" and is "going to have big problems in the next decade," he says. "But that doesn't mean it won't go up. Everyone is very pessimistic [on the dollar], including me. I wouldn't sell it right now."


As the famed mass murderer of Russia, Vladimir Lenin, said;
The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.

Question? our government currently debauching (devaluing) our currency?

Hat tip to Mike S.

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