
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Peace Partner Part II

The U.S. and the world is currently forcing "peace talks" on Israel and the Palestinian leadership. Their elected official is Mahmoud Abbas.

I read this morning that Mahmoud Abbas, President of Fatah and the PLO, got his masters degree in Moscow. His thesis paper was written on the topic of his belief that the Nazis conspired with Zionists to start persecuting Jews to build world sympathy. He also said that the Holocaust maybe only killed a few hundred thousand Jews...not millions. And finally, it is widely believed that Abbas was involved in raising the money for the PLO terrorists to carry out the murder of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.

After reading this resume, how is it possible that the world can demand that the Jews of Israel sit at the table and negotiate with this dude?

Does it surprise us that the world leaders hold out Abbas as a "moderate" Muslim?

Finally, what do you have to do to be labeled as an "extreme" a plane into a tower or something?

As we have said many times...whenever you see something that is 100% illogical, there probably is a supernatural cause at its base.

Satan wants the Promised Land torn apart. Satan wants Israel gone. Satan is the Prince of this earth. Satan has his controls running behind all nations. Any questions?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here is an interesting article from the Iranian Fars News Agency today... Iranian Lawmakers View Ahmadinejad's Visit to Beirut as "Highly Important".... Why you ask???... the tag line states: The visit can be interpreted as a 'political quake' leading to the annihilation of the Israel.

    Have you been following the development of Hizbullah as an Iranian Proxy?

    Abbas clearly has stated to the Arabs: We'd Support a War Against Israel.

    The big question is when does the shooting start.

    Lieberman has stated that they will destroy Damascus if Hezbollah attacks northern Israel

    Amos 1:3
    This is what the LORD says:
    "For three sins of Damascus,
    even for four, I will not turn back my wrath .
    Because she threshed Gilead with sledges having iron teeth,

    Isaiah 17 Proclamation Against Syria and Israel The burden against Damascus.“ Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.

    I speculate that the destruction of Damascus could draw out the black flag army...

    Your thoughts?


