
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PLO Wants a Map

Today, this headline was on Google;
PLO wants map from U.S. with future Israeli border

(Reuters) - The Palestinians are seeking a map from the United States showing where Israel sees its final borders and making clear whether they include Palestinian land and homes, an official said on Wednesday.

See it here;

God tells us in Zechariah 12, "....I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."

So how many ways do you think the USA could be injured (especially in our current condition) if our leaders would dare to submit new boundaries for God's Holy Land?

Those of us who know God's word should be on our knees, humbling ourselves before Almighty God and asking forgiveness for the arrogance and ignorance of our leaders.

If we continue pressuring the Jews to give up the valuable land that God has eternally promised them....we, in the USA, may find ourselves giving up something that is valuable to us.

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