
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

There Will be Famine

Jesus said that one of the birth pangs will be famine.

We know that Russia had a horrible drought and their grain shortage will be felt. So has Brazil. Pakistan had a biblical flood and lost their grain. Who is going to feed these folks?

Now this headline from Reuters;

29 countries' hunger levels 'alarming': report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twenty-nine countries show alarming levels of hunger and more than a billion people were hungry in 2009, according to a new report on global hunger.

World leaders are far from a 1990 goal of halving the number of hungry people by 2015, according to the annual Global Hunger Index published by the International Food Policy Research Institute and other aid groups.

"The index for hunger in the world remains at a level characterized as 'serious,'" the report states. "Most of the countries with 'alarming' GHI scores are in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia."

The report identifies children as particularly vulnerable.

See it here;

Did you catch that statistic that more than 1 billion people were hungry in 1999? That's a thousand million people! That's 1 out of 7 folks on planet earth who are hungry.

Meanwhile, here in the USA we are suffering from an obesity problem that threatens to bankrupt our health care system.

Does anyone see a problem with how the system is currently working on planet earth?

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