
Monday, October 18, 2010

Israel on its Way to Hell

The mad-man-from Iran is ramping up his rhetoric....and yet the world seems to ignore his comments and simply brush him if he is a hot-air bag.

It seems that is kind of how it happened with Hitler as well....

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday said that Israel would "soon go to hell" and called on the West to drop support for the Jewish state.

"Grounds are being prepared for the Zionist regime [Israel] to go to hell soon and any country supporting this regime will join it on its trip to hell as well," Ahmadinejad said in a speech in Ardebil in north-western Iran, carried live by the news network Khabar.

Ahmadinejad promised that Iran would continue supporting the Lebanese people and its "resistance" against Israel. But he was careful to avoid expressions that could give the impression that Iran or Hezbollah would use Lebanese soil to attack Israel.

"The Zionists planned to destroy this community [Bint Jbail], but it stood strong against the occupiers," he declaimed. "The entire world should know that the Zionists are destined to disappear from the world, while Bint Jbail will remain alive. And the sons of Bint Jbail will know how to defeat the Zionist enemy."

See it here;

World history shows us that when someone says something over and over...they usually mean it...because they BELIEVE it.

When will we wake up and realize that this dude believes that the LAST DAYS are upon us?....and that his understanding of the LAST DAYS is drastically different than what the Bible tells us.

When will the world wake up and realize that this dude believes it is HIS ROLE TO HELP BRING ABOUT THE CHAOS NECESSARY TO FULFILL THE 12TH IMAM PROPHECIES?....and this dude has been spending all his nation's money on missiles and spinning centrifuges hoping to come up with a launch able nuclear missile.

We probably shouldn't hold our breath too long waiting for realization to kick in. As a country we are sick of war, bankrupt, unemployed, mistrusting of our leaders....we just don't have the time or stomach to take on some other middle eastern dude...."let's just wait until he does something that merits our concern," goes one argument.

The problem with that argument is that we now live in an age where a few bad guys can literally bring an end to the entire Western Civilization....and that means the USA.

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