
Monday, October 18, 2010

France Foreshadowing

A handful of months ago, we wondered aloud if the situation in Greece was a foreshadowing to what may be coming for America. Now we can add France to that list.

In case you haven't heard, the folks in France are rioting because the government told them that the normal retirement age was going to increase from age 60 to 62....and the rioting seems to be getting worse.

About 1,500 petrol stations in France have run dry or are about to close as fuel supplies are hit by strikes over government pension reforms, officials say.

A blockade of oil refineries is into its seventh day and the body that supplies most supermarkets says one in four petrol stations is affected.

President Nicolas Sarkozy has called a crisis cabinet to protect supplies.

Oil company Exxon Mobil has described the situation as "critical".

Panic-buying led to a 50% increase in fuel sales last week.

According to the latest opinion polls, more than 70% of French people continue to support strike action.

On Saturday, a fifth day of protests brought 825,000 people on to the streets, police said, although unions put the figure at 2.5 million to three million.

See it here;

Let's say you have a 2 year old kid just sitting on the floor playing with his trucks. Now imagine bringing in a huge rainbow colored sucker and saying, "James, look what daddy brought you!" Of course James takes the sucker and starts eating it while he plays with his trucks. Ten minutes later you walk back in the room and say, "Sorry James, I need that sucker back."...and you proceed to take it from him.

What do you think the outcome will be?

Of course we know that little James is going to scream and wail and throw his trucks around.

But why? Wasn't James happy just ten minutes earlier when he DIDN'T have the sucker and ONLY had his trucks?

Of course he was...but he PREFERRED to have a free sucker AND his trucks.

That's what's happening in France.

And that's what's going to happen in the USA when we take away Medicare, Social Security, Food stamps, Section 8 housing, Welfare, Unemployment pay, cheap college loans, etc....

100 years ago, none of those programs existed...and not one soul in the USA expected to be given them. We were content with something simple like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....and that was a huge blessing compared to the rest of the world.

But now that we have had those big sugary suckers....we will scream like a 2 year old once someone comes and takes them away.

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