
Monday, October 18, 2010

Large Scale Security Incident

Sorry for all the postings as of late on Iran...but what can I say?....when Israel's ancient mortal enemy has it's leader standing on the border of Israel declaring they will soon go to hell and be have to admit that it bears watching.

The Iranian weekly paper is saying that there is soon going to be a "large scale security incident" involving Lebanon and Israel.

Remember that Iran's proxy army is Hezbollah which is based right on the Israeli border in southern Lebanon.

Also remember that Psalm 83 talks about a day when Israel will basically take control of all of Lebanon.

There will soon be a “large-scale security incident” involving Lebanon and Israel, according to the Iranian weekly paper Sobh-e Sadeq, which is affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The “prediction” was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Iran funds, arms and trains the Hizbullah terrorist group based in southern Lebanon. Hizbullah would be unlikely to provoke a “security incident” without Iran's approval.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is currently visiting Lebanon. Hizbullah has led the Iranian president on a tour of southern Lebanon. There he met with residents of the area and praised them for attacking Israel, saying, “You fought at the front line against the aggressors and Zionist occupiers... the Zionists will go back to the place they came from.”

Sobh-e Sadeq also warned the Lebanese government against continuing to implicate Hizbullah in the assassination of Rafiq Al-Hariri. Accusing Hizbullah of involvement in the slaying “will make it impossible for the Lebanese government to operate,” the paper stated.

See link here;

I wonder what "a large scale security incident" means? I think we can be plenty sure that it doesn't mean they are planning on making peace with Israel.

Also I want to ask Ahmadinejad, "where do you think the Zionists (Jews) came from? Is it your belief they should go back to Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Russia, Poland, Germany, and 100 other countries? Would you give them the right of return to come back to Iran? After all, you did kick most of them out of your country soon after Israel was declared in 1948."

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    So they have had their pep rally,

    The next flotilla is on the way.

    The predict an incident.

    Keep an eye on the president of Iran's web site...

    Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei

    Run Google translate on this site

    Ahmadinejad also called on the preachers to prepare to establish the government of the Hidden Imam.

    We'll never sign agreement recognizing Jewish state'

    So much more to share...



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Ahmadinejad: US will one day 'beg' Iran for ties,7340,L-3970998,00.html

    Do you think that he has a plan to make this happen or is it just empty words?


