
Monday, October 25, 2010

Lost Catholics

Replacement theology is the understanding/belief that Christians replaced the Jews as God's chosen people. It is a dangerous theology because it puts you at odds with what the the Bible clearly says concerning the Jews.

Remember that Martin Luther struggled with replacement theology and that turned into blatant anti-Semitism...and I believe many protestants today are still caught in the cloud that Martin Luther left behind.

Now lets look at what a high ranking Catholic just said;

The Creator’s promise in the Bible that the Promised Land belongs to the Jewish People is no longer valid, a Catholic synod declared. An American archbishop at the Synod explained Saturday that the promise of the Creator was "abolished by the presence of Christ."

In a decision that is bound to set off a furious reaction from many Jewish leaders, the synod concluded that “recourse to theological and biblical positions which use the Word of G-d to wrongly justify injustices is not acceptable.”

Now notice more talk of the "two state solution" and also the use of the term "occupation" when referring to Israel occupying Jerusalem and other parts of Judea;

After two weeks of meetings, the Synod also said that a two-state solution of a Palestinian Authority country, in place of most of the Land Israel, would help stem the exodus of Christians from the area.

The Synod recognized "the suffering and insecurity in which Israelis live" but focused on what it called Palestinian Authority “suffering [of] the consequences of the Israeli occupation: the lack of freedom of movement, the wall of separation and the military checkpoints, the political prisoners, the demolition of homes, [and] the disturbance of socio-economic life and the thousands of refugees."

See it here;

So what are we to make of all this? First off I would say the Catholic religion will be in trouble...and may even be "torn to pieces" if it continues down the road of pressuring Israel to divide Holy Land. Secondly, we will need to watch to see if the Catholic church is beginning to make movements toward a "one world religion"...and denying parts of the Bible that you don't like while including the "less offensive" parts that you do like...will most likely be one of the signatures of the coming one world religion.

That coming religion will come to full maturity after the rapture of the church and it may include parts of Christianity, parts of Islam, parts of Buddha, parts of Hinduism and certainly lots of paganism, mother-earth, tolerance, acceptance and the mother of all apostasies....THERE REALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN.

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. The coming religion sounds a lot like Oprah's "chruch" I think that she called her "ministry" Our Eyes Are Open?

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Come let us join forces is the message of the union of faiths. Read Harun Yahya's other stuff. Click some of the links on this page.

    From the Catholic Catechism the way I read it that Muslims and Jews will be saved despite their rejection of Jesus Christ as the Savior (839-841),

    Vatican’s ‘Special Middle East Assembly’ last week...



  3. Good blog Dennis. Thanks!

    I don't see how the mainline churches, including the ELCA, can claim that Christians are leaving Israel (Gaza and West Bank included) because of Israel. Seems like Anti-Israel propaganda put out by the Muslims in the area and picked up by our anti-Semetic denominations.
