
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Massive Storm

I just heard on our local news that the lowest pressure reading EVER recorded in Minnesota happened today. As I write this you can hear the winds howling outside.

It's being said this is the worst storm to hit Chicago in over 70 years and tornadoes, harsh rain and even blizzard warnings are being issued from Bismarck to Michigan.

CHICAGO (AP) - A storm drawing comparisons to a hurricane has muscled across the Midwest, snapping trees and power lines, delaying flights at one of nation's busiest airports and soaking commuters who slogged to work under crumpled umbrellas.

See it here;

I just have to wonder if this might be another early warning sign from the God if Israel...that the USA is not supposed to be involved in drawing a map to divide the Promised Land?

Time will tell.


  1. 2 Samuel 24:1-25 David sins by taking a census. It was an act of prid and reliance on military strength. The prophrt Gad gave a message to David to choose His punishment from three things: 3 yrs of famine, 3 mo of military battles or 3 days of pestilence.

    When a leader makes a mistake a lot of people pay for it.

    Hat tip to Village School

  2. Hey,

    You will like this movie trailer.

    I look at the line of thinking on some of the posts around this as wacky. But I am warming to the concept...



  3. Amen April! I am tired of people saying that Jesus would never allow punishment to come on us...or judgment. It makes no biblical sense.
