
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Push for One World Currency

Of course we are watching for the world to either push or slide into a condition that leads to a one world currency.


Because the Bible tells me so.

Today, we find more evidence that it may be coming sooner than later.

Remember, we have been talking about currency wars that are heating up as the major countries of the world attempt to devalue their currency in hopes of getting a kick of growth by other countries buying their newly cheapened goods.

Seen as remedy to looming exchange wars.

In advance of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Washington last weekend, the Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world`s largest banks and finance houses, issued yet another call for a one-world global currency.

An IIF policy letter authored by Dallara and dated Oct. 4 made clear that global currency coordination was needed in the group`s view to prevent a looming currency war.

"The narrowly focused unilateral and bilateral policy actions seen in recent months - including many proposed and actual measures on trade, currency intervention and monetary policy - have contributed to worsening underlying macroeconomic imbalances," Dallara wrote. "They have also led to growing protectionist pressures as countries scramble for export markets as a source of growth."

A United Nations report released in July calls for the replacement of the dollar as the standard for holding foreign-exchange reserves in international trade with a new one-world currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.

See it here;

Some will say to me, "So what Dennis? What's it matter if I pay for my tuna sandwich with dollars or some other piece of paper? After all, the USA has used lots of different looking money over the past 230 years."

Let me try and explain the great sucking sound that will be heard in this country if the world drops the U.S. dollar as its reserve currency.....just go to your garage and turn on your hold the hose up to neck and listen to the noise it makes as it grabs your double chin. That's what it will sound like.

The USA has been able to achieve our current lifestyle of massive social programs, massive infrastructure programs, and massive homes, cars and vacations....all because we had the luxury of owning the reserve currency that the REST OF THE WORLD SCRAMBLED TO OWN OVER THE LAST 60 YEARS. We OWN the printing press of the world's ONLY reserve currency!

Now think about it for just a second.....what if we can't borrow and pay back our trillions of debt in U.S. dollars anymore....what if we actually have to come up with some other currency issued by some other country or organization?? Congress would actually have to pay it's debts in REAL MONEY...rather than just unlimited paper! Our programs would be bankrupt overnight as the world certainly won't agree to keep funding OUR Social Security, or OUR Medicare, or OUR ObamaCare, or OUR depleted state pensions, or OUR Foodstamps.....or OUR military.

Believe me...when that happens, it's very possible that wide swaths of the USA will start to look VERY impoverished. Some may even begin looking VERY third world.

Can you hear the footsteps of the Antichrist coming?

The good news for us folks indwelt with the Holy Spirit is that WE WILL BE GONE before the Antichrist is revealed. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

Come Lord Jesus!


  1. Hey Denhis, did you read about the UFO's in Manhatten yesterday???

  2. Yes! Was just posting on it now.
