
Thursday, October 14, 2010

UFO's Over New York

It seems the "weather balloons" are back with an increasing frequency. Not only have they been appearing all over the world moving beyond the speed of sound and ignoring the laws of gravity...they now appear to be showing themselves during the light of day to dozens and hundreds of witnesses. Quite some feat for the simply weather balloon.

Here is the headline;

Dozens Report UFO Over New York City

Pete Bryant, 32, said, "I saw five or six lights shining in the sky. There was no way that thing was a balloon.

"There was something weird about it. Light just doesn't reflect off balloons like that. "If Martians were to land anywhere, New York is a much better location than some backwoods town in the Midwest."

Tim Powell, 28, described the objects as "the most bizarre thing I've ever seen."

"It looked like a jellyfish made of lights that just hovered in the sky like it wanted to be seen," he said. "I was half expecting the aliens to beam down and introduce themselves."

Witness Daniel Calhoun, 52, admitted, "Common sense says it wasn't a UFO. Common sense says it was a plane or a balloon, but this thing stopped everyone in the street for two blocks. Any New Yorker will tell you, that alone is extraordinary."

See it here;

No doubt folks, the world is being prepared for the day when some demon, disguised as an alien, WILL beam down and introduce himself to the world. And most folks left behind on planet earth will say, "Ah-ha!! I knew you would come to help us one day! Welcome!! We are 100% willing to listen to anything and everything you have to say!!"

Revelation 13:12-14 tells us a day is coming when, "He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth."

Hmmmm?......sounds like deception is coming from some being that has the power to call down fire (glowing spaceships?) from the sky in plain view of Fox News, CNN and whom ever else is watching.

Could that day be closer than we guess? Are we all ready to handle deception? Can we all stand firm in our clear understanding of the Bible...the only word of God?

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