
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Zionists Pollute the Air

Ahmadinejad spoke today at a town in Lebanon less than a few miles from the Israeli border.

Yesterday we posted how it would be cool if the IDF could shoot his hat off to make him tremble.

Anyway, he had some interesting, inflammatory, provocative things to say to a crowd of 15,000 who support Hezbollah...which are the confirmed terrorists who inhabit southern Lebanon.

Ahmadinejad called Bint Jbeil, a border village that was bombed by Israel during the Second Lebanon War, "the capital of freedom, the capital of resistance and victory."

"The world knows the Zionists invaded Bint Jbeil to break down the resistance, but today they are nowhere to be found, and Bint Jbeil is still here," Ahmadinejad said. "Bint Jbeil is still alive and standing up against us. Bint Jbeil stands against the enemy to the last minute."

"The Zionists will not last long," Ahmadinejad exclaimed. "Bring defeat to the Zionists."

Ahmadinejad also called for Palestine to be "forcefully freed" and for the Zionists to go "back to where they came from.

"The Iranian president lamented the "Palestinians that were kidnapped and put in jail. The Zionists commit war crimes against the Palestinians and Lebanon," Ahmadinejad said.

He also claimed that "The Zionists are responsible for the economic crisis and air pollution in the world."

See it here;

Come on!!...I know the Jews have been charged with lots of things over the centuries, but blaming them for the air pollution in the world....THOSE ARE FIGHTIN' WORDS!!

What else is funny is that a member of the Knesset wondered aloud if a Jewish sniper could have taken out Hitler in 1939 how many millions of Jews would have been spared. Why then shouldn't a sniper take out Ahmadinejad before he leaves Lebanon?

Really?? I just suggested yesterday that a sniper take off his hat....but I guess you could always blame shooter error. "Dude, I had the cross hair right on his hat! Someone must have bumped my scope and made my gun shoot a little low! Honest!!"


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Ahmadinejad announced the formation of a new Islamic bloc, a revival of the old Eastern Front, composed of Iran, Syria, Turkey, the Palestinians, Lebanon and Iraq. It would be dedicated to fighting not only Israel but also America.

    Ahmadinejad and his puppet, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, pledged to make Israel "disappear" and declared nothing and no one can stop this happening. How and when is up to Tehran.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    The perfect storm is brewing...

    Have a look at this BBC article.

    Iran to hold Opec presidency for first time in 36 years

    Our nation can be brought to its knees if oil is used against us.

    The 1973 oil embargo cut supply by only 25% and drove up our pump prices by 4 times. What do you think $10 gallon gas prices would do to our economy? I would speculate, we as a nation will not say a peep about Israel to keep the oil flowing if it were put before us as a choice.


