
Friday, October 15, 2010

What Just Happened?

The Mad-Man of Iran (yes, it rhymes) was speaking in Lebanon to a crowd of cheering Israel haters...but what really happened? What did he really say? What did it really mean?

Debka file has some harsh observations about Ahmadinejad's four major accomplishments;

1. He demonstrated that Tehran calls the shots in Beirut - not the lawful Lebanese government which is crumbling under Iranian pressure, not the divided Christian or Sunni Muslim communities and not even Syria. Every last Lebanese leader, including those who made a show of protesting his visit, paid homage to Ahmadinejad in Beirut and praised his "moderation."

2. The Iranian president's tour Thursday plants an Iranian flag on Israel's northern border with Lebanon and that's just for starters. The flag, already present in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, is heading for the West Bank and eventually Jerusalem. Addressing tens of thousands of cheering Lebanese Shiites in the Hizballah stronghold of Dahya in Beirut Wednesday night, Ahmadinejad and his puppet, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, pledged to make Israel "disappear" and declared nothing and no one can stop this happening. How and when is up to Tehran.

3. He also announced the formation of a new Islamic bloc, a revival of the old Eastern Front, composed of Iran, Syria, Turkey, the Palestinians, Lebanon and Iraq. It would be dedicated to fighting not only Israel but also America.

For the Iranian ruler, Israel is small change compared with the task of destroying America's Middle East presence and usurping its big power role. In the course of his triumphal tour of Beirut, an abject Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki came to Syrian president Bashar Assad cap in hand to beg for him to intercede with his Iranian ally for support.

4. Ahmadinejad gave the entire Arab Middle East an object lesson in how much ground the Islamic Republic and its president are capable of swallowing up - even without a nuclear weapon. They were warned by the way Lebanon fell at his feet that they stood no chance against their new hegemon as a nuclear power.

See it here;

Did you catch that bold print about the new Islamic Bloc...which consists of Iran and Turkey? Of course it doesn't take much to envision Russia joining them as chief supplier of guns and bombs...and we have the table continuing to be set for Ezekiel 38.

Now pay close attention to how this analyst finishes his observations on the Mad-Man's speech;

debkafile's sources find a strong, unfortunate analogy between Israeli passivity today and British appeasement on the even of World War II: the British prime minister Neville Chamberlain went down in history for signing away the Sudeteland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany at Munich in 1938, opening the door to Germany's conquest of Europe and the war, and the Netanyahu government's silence as power-hungry Iran annexes Lebanon on its doorstep.

OUCH!! Can you feel the earth beginning to shake as the perfect storm of financial collapse, energy insecurity, famine, World War III, bankruptcies, moral decline, extreme weather and Satanic deception all step onto the world stage at exactly the same time??

Kinda sounds like the makings of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse....doesn't it?

Hat tip to Tom. Thanks buddy...your confirmation is powerful.

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