
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hindus Join Holiday Display

OK folks,... pour yourself some hot cocoa, put on your slippers and hit "play" on your Ipod once you have located, "Let There be Peace on Earth." Once you have done all that you can commence reading the Mission Viejo Dispatch (Southern California)...and this does promise to warm your heart even more than a good cup of cocoa!

Hindus Join Holiday Displays
by on November 15, 2010

The Indian Cultural Club is joining the other sponsors of religious holiday displays this year at Chrisanta and LaPaz. The Club’s application indicates its inaugural display will be the Om (or Aum) Symbol in conjunction with the Hindu Festival of Diwali which was celebrated Nov 5-9.

The other groups are regular participants at the ‘4 corners’:

*South Coast Community Church will present the birth of Christ with its Nativity Scene.
*The Spiritual Assembly Baháís will highlight children in a celebration of the birth of Baháu'lláh.
*Chabad Jewish Center of Mission Viejo will sponsor a Menorah.
*The Orange County Islamic Foundation will present a ten-foot lighted display.

Several years ago Mission Viejo City Manager Dan Joseph said the City would “get out of the religion business” in response to potential constitutional legal challenges alleging discrimination. The Council reversed course, opening the process to other groups, after a public outcry about the potential loss of the Christmas scene.

There have been some incidents of vandalism. The baby Jesus was taken on a couple occasions, and last year someone spray-painted the Islamic display.

One of the four corners was the location for Santa’s workshop for decades, but two years ago the Mission Viejo Activities Committee moved the workshop to Civic Center Plaza to improve safety and create more space. The 4 corners workshop was replaced with a large Santa sleigh.

The exhibits are scheduled to be available for viewing November 21 to January 7.

See it here;

I can't wait until the Satanists call the Mission Viejo council and ask to join in the festivities by placing an exhibit featuring a recreation of a demon possessed little girl whose head spins around and spews vomit as she utters blasphemes in a guttural voice.

I wonder how long the Creator of the Universe will let Emanuel (which, of course, is Himself) share the spotlight with Baha'u' llah?

I wonder how morally and spiritually insane this country will have to get before God says, "Enough!"

Oh well....not to worry....just pour yourself another cup of cocoa and be happy that everyone will be having lots of FUN as they view this wonderful Holiday display!

Hat tip to James L. for braving things out in Mission Viejo and being a Watchman on the Wall in the Land of Fruit and Nuts. After's a dirty job, but some body's gotta do it.


  1. The Co-Exsist model is only good for one thing; if we co-exsist (live with each other in peace), we can invite others to meet Christ and find the Lord through His Son.

    You cannot make any real changes to peoples souls other than introducing them to Christ Jesus so He can make the changes. If we can live our lives in such a manner that people would ask what is in our heart or or why care, we should.

    We need to live as aliens/strangers in this world and be lights.

    Christ is King - Peace to all!!

  2. I too wonder how morally and spiritually insane this country will get before God says, "Enough!"

    I keep thinking about Genesis 6:5
    The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

    Seems like that now.
