
Monday, November 15, 2010

Up is Down and Down is Up

In the upside down world of Iran they have it all backwards. Satan started turning them many centuries ago....and now they are a complete 180 degrees upside down.

We know that Iran uses Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and Syria as Iranian proxies to foment war and stoke the hatred fires for Israel.

But Iran sees the opposite.

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian military commander slammed the Israeli officials' recent war rhetoric against Iran, and said that the US and Britain are using the Zionist regime as a tool to trigger war in the region to achieve their illegitimate goals.

"We shouldn't expect the Zionist regime to make peaceful and conciliatory statements and condemn war," Iran's Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hassan Firouzabadi told reporters on Monday.

"In fact, Israel is the leverage of the US, Britain and the Zionists … which is used for sparking war to break Muslims' power," the commander noted.

Now pay close attention to this sentence;

Firouzabadi further pointed out that Zionists are moving in the course of annihilation, and stated that they will continue their warmongering remarks until the day they are actually annihilated.

See it here;

There's all that annihilation talk again. Those Persians are certainly dreaming of the day when the Sons of Isaac are no longer successful as a race and a country. It is an embarrassment to them (and the god they worship) that the Sons of Ishmael have not overthrown them and cast them all into the sea.

This Satanic hatred is growing towards Israel on a daily basis. We know that at some point there is going to be a popping point....and something big is going to pop in the Middle East. Why do we know this? Because the Bible tells me so.

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. Really like your blog. Thanks for standing up for Israel. Have you ever thought of a blog about the ELCA's hatred for Israel. Check out the ELCA information here if interested -

    Note that the link above has information about ELCA encouraging boycotts of some Israeli goods. (also found here -

    Here is a link I found today -

    Here is an interesting statement - "Like the ancient Gnostics, ELCA leaders sneer at the idea that we can look to a book as our authority—especially a book written by Jews. Antinomianism and anti-Semitism are always found together, said Braaten." (

  2. Hi Dennis,

    Check this out...

    The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenei has warned against moves aimed at isolating the culture of jihad and martyrdom, urging more efforts to revive those virtues.

    vir·tue –noun 1. moral excellence; goodness; righteousness.



  3. Hi Sabre Hawk, thanks for the links. The Lutherans have gone so far astray. I will try and post something soon.
