
Monday, November 15, 2010

Didn't We Cast Out Demons?

Yesterday in adult education we talked briefly about Jesus' words from Matthew 7;

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Today we have this headline coming out of the Catholic church;

Catholic Bishops: More Exorcists Needed

NEW YORK (AP) — Citing a shortage of priests who can perform the rite, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops are holding a conference on how to conduct exorcisms.

The two-day training, which ends Saturday in Baltimore, is to outline the scriptural basis of evil, instruct clergy on evaluating whether a person is truly possessed, and review the prayers and rituals that comprise an exorcism. Among the speakers will be Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, and a priest-assistant to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

"Learning the liturgical rite is not difficult," DiNardo said in a phone interview before the conference, which is open to clergy only. "The problem is the discernment that the exorcist needs before he would ever attempt the rite."

No one knows why more people seem to be seeking the rite. Paprocki said one reason could be the growing interest among Americans in exploring general spirituality, as opposed to participating in organized religion, which has led more people to dabble in the occult.

See it here;

So,.... more Americans are interested in "exploring general spirituality".....and they will shop around like they would shop for a pair of tennis shoes. "Well, this one feels really good to me!" or "I don't like that church because they talk about sin and hell!" or "I really like that church because the services are so short and you can eat cinnamon rolls and coffee right in the sanctuary while the dude is preaching!"

Is it any wonder that Satan is having a field day in this generation of selfish, rebellious, wealthy brats?? Is it any wonder that more folks are dabbling in the occult? Is it any wonder that more folks are getting infected with demons?

Friends, I am 100% confident that there are millions of folks walking around planet earth who have a demon that needs to be exorcised....but I sure wonder if the Catholic church isn't going to be the ones that Jesus is referring to in Matthew 7? They seem to be the religion that trains folks to cast out demons.....yet I personally have met few Catholics who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Let's pray that Christ will cut through the perversions of man-made religions and make many to see clearly in these last days.

Hat tip to Barb F.

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