
Sunday, November 14, 2010

World is Furious

It's interesting that Obama ran on a platform of promising to make the world like us again. The liberal view was that the world couldn't stand George Bush for all of his arrogance and failed policies.

And now, just a few years into Obama, the world is furious at us. Yeah, he promised "change", and we all believed he meant, "change for the better", not "change for the worse."

America is now isolated and the rest of the world is furious. The widespread use of capital controls and even a lurch into 1930s-style protectionism are both far more likely than just a few days ago.

The Federal Reserve's words may have been anodyne. "We will adjust the programme as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability," said the US central bank's Open Market Committee. But by announcing another round of "quantitative easing", America is rightfully incurring the wrath not only of the emerging giants of the East, but the eurozone too.

The US had hoped China would use the forthcoming G20 summit in Seoul to accept America's proposal that net exporters should limit their current account surpluses to 4pc of GDP. Any prospect of that is now gone.

This crazy money-printing is going to be seen as the primary cause of Western inflation, food riots and a commodity price spike.

See it here;

Yes, all of us Americans have gotten used to our lifestyles consisting of cheap fuel, cheap food, cheap debt and cheap housing due to low interest rates. It's now very possible that all that could change....and change at a speed that will take every one's breath away.

If this does happen, do doubt the Lord will use this shock to draw people to the false god of Mammon is pulled away. As believers we need to be ready for the harvest, and we do that by being ready with with an explanation of what Christ is doing in the world.

Are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Great article in the Fars News today

    The Zionists are moving in the course of annihilation, and stated that they will continue their warmongering remarks until the day they are actually annihilated.

    I would like to see their notes on the US administrations plans to spark a war...

    We are in denial and have no plan other than run away.


