
Monday, November 22, 2010

Past the Point of No Return?

Recently we made the comment in adult ed that we weren't all that excited about the Tea Party/Republican victories in the House and Senate. We believe it may be too little too late. The tipping point may have been reached...and there is much evidence today surrounding Ireland and the Eurozone that the entire Western world may also have surpassed the point of no return.

Sobering times.

Today the world's #1 prophecy site, Rapture Ready, wrote comments in their weekly update. They seem to have arrived at the same conclusion.

The clock is rapidly running out on Bernanke's gamble. In 2006, the federal debt has increased by more than half. It now stands at $13.8 trillion and has morphed to 94 percent of GDP. With shortfall of $1.5 trillion projected for the next several years, the debt will quickly reach $20 trillion by 2015.

I have been following the financial markets all my adult life, and am at loss to describe how hopeless the odds are against us solving this crisis. If the mortgage mess and debt bubble don't get us, contagion from Europe ’s debt problems or the looming pension crisis will sink us.

Terry and I often talk about financial matters, and we believe this debt nightmare will unfold within the next couple of years. We can only guess where the Rapture fits in, but logic tells us it must be very near.

See it here;

Of course, if, as a nation we would, "humble ourselves and pray"...God could heal our land. That's a promise. But as you look around the landscape at your neighbors, friends and co-workers...what do you believe to be the likelihood of that event happening?

On the contrary, we seem to be even more caught up in trying to resurrect the god of Mammon. Hoping beyond hope that we can get back to the "glory" days of home equity gains, unlimited credit cards, stock market advances and government budget we can start consuming copious amounts of goods.

Meanwhile, our adversary prowls around like a hungry lion...waiting to devour.

So where is our hope? "Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness."

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