
Monday, November 22, 2010

Raise U.S. Debt Limit

Believe it or not, the USA has a credit limit...just like you do on your credit card. The major difference though is that your bank imposes the credit limit on you....and Congress is who imposes the credit limit on the USA....and since it is Congress who votes on how to spend the money...isn't that a glaring conflict of interest? (Shut up Dennis!! You are such a downer!)

Wait...what? How does that work? works just like it sounds. Congress started off decades ago saying they could only borrow a billion....then when that ceiling was reached they voted to raise their borrowing limit to $2 billion...and when that was reached....$5 billion. This little charade of fiscal responsibility has been going on for some time.

Currently the limit is set at $14.3 trillion...but that limit is soon going to be reached.

So what ever will we do??

The government is authorized to borrow $14.3 trillion and is expected to hit that amount within a few months. If the limit is not raised, it could signal to the markets that the U.S. isn't prepared to meet its obligations and send tremors through the financial system.

See it here;

Also please notice that this little debate is going to test the new Republican leadership because some of the newly elected members ran on the promise to not keep raising the debt limit....thereby FORCING the USA to cut costs....which will prove to be impossible. ( you think it's a coincidence that the new blockbuster movie which just hit theatres is about a runaway train?)

So of course we will have to raise it and "borrow" more. Of course you and I know this is simply a printing press, Ponzi scheme going on...and Japan, China and Brazil aren't really going to loan us another $14 trillion.... so we will have no choice but to simply keep printing it to meet our "financial obligations."

We all know what is going to happen when the world and the welfare citizens of the USA finally realize we are playing with the very last foot of rope?....things will get REALLY strange REALLY fast.

Pray for the Lord to increase our faith so that we are prepared to potentially endure REALLY strange times.

Even so....Come Lord Jesus!

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