
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkish Relations Deteriorate

As the article says, Turkey was recently one of Israel's only friends in the Muslim world, but that now seems to have come to a very quick end. So much so that Turkey has recently issued language that sounds an awful lot like serious war talk.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that Turkey would not remain silent if Israel attacked Lebanon or Gaza, French News Agency AFP reported.

"Does (Israel) think it can enter Lebanon with the most modern aircraft and tanks to kill women and children, and destroy schools and hospitals, and then expect us to remain silent?" Erdogan said at a conference in Lebanon organized by the Union of Arab Banks.

"Does it think it can use the most modern weapons, phosphorus munitions and cluster bombs to kill children in Gaza and then expect us to remain silent?," AFP reported Erdogan as saying. "We will not be silent and we will support justice by all means available to us."

Now pay even closer attention to this next paragraph;

Erdogan called on the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to pressure Israel over its nuclear program in the same way that the international community has been dealing with Iran.

It seems that some Satanic blindness may be coming over Turkey and it's leaders. Do the Israeli's make TV shows about the glory of killing Arabs? No...but the Palestinians make those shows about Jews. Did Israel attack Arab nations in quest of acquiring more land? No....but the Arabs have done exactly that in an attempt to wipe Israel off the map. Has Israel ever announced it's nuclear intentions and then gone on to threaten others with annihilation? No....but Iran seems to doing that on a daily basis and now Turkey wants the world to treat Israel "in the same way" that it is treating Iran.

This makes no logical, as we have said in the past, there must be some supernatural force acting on the situation.

Of course we all know that Turkey will play a major role is the Last Days scenario by being part of a coalition consisting of Russia, Iran and other Muslim nations. And we can know this by reading Ezekiel 38.

So should this news coming out of Turkey surprise us? No. But it should encourage and motivate us to realize that we are drawing VERY close to the end of the age. What age? The Age of Grace.

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