
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Warning Shot

Remember last week's news about a potential missile contrail that no one could explain happening over California? Some people came forward and said it was simply jet-exhaust. No one really bought that...I think we have all seen plenty of passenger jets fly over and all know what the exhaust looks like.

Today some pretty scary/interesting news is bubbling out on what this may have been...

Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile

Two governmental military experts with extensive experience working with missiles and computer security systems have examined the television video and conclude the mysterious contrail originating some 30 miles off the coast near Los Angeles did not come from a jet – but rather, they say the exhaust and the billowing plume emanated from a single source nozzle of a missile, probably made in China.

They further suggest the missile was fired from a submerged Chinese nuclear submarine off America's coast, and point out that the timing of the alleged Chinese missile shot coincided with an increasing confrontation between the U.S. and China, and was likely meant to send a message to Washington.

Even more ominously, cautioned Cash: "We must question the timing of this shot across our bow. The president was abroad being diplomatic, which means trying to placate China which is becoming overly concerned with our handling a totally out-of-control deficit in spending."

See it here;

Wow! As we have talked about in the past....we owe China about $1 trillion dollars. And that's not chump-change for a country where most folks work for $1 per hour. Why would they allow us to print off $1 trillion more of paper money and pay them back with worthless paper backed by nothing?

Also, they want Taiwan back and we have our military positioned all over and around Taiwan. So how does that work that China loans us $1 trillion and we use the money to run our military so we can threaten China? I'm sure that thought has crossed the Chinese leaders minds.

If this is true and China did launch a missile off the coast of California to send a message to Washington....then the world REALLY may be getting ready to spiral out of control.

"There will be wars......"

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