
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

25 Signs That Point to Nuclear War

A reader named Matt commented on my post today about the missile launched off the coast of California. He sent me a link to a site that is titled the same as this post. (Don't know if the blogger is the same Matt?) It has more detail that I can cut and paste for a single posting...but needless to say the author has done his homework and his conclusion is in....the world is on the brink of nuclear war...or at least something really big and majorly disruptive to life as we know it.

And yes, according to this site the missile launched off the coast of CA was from a Chinese sub and was a warning shot to our military.

2. On November 8, 2010 a mystery missile was launched 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles. Initially there were many reports that this so-called missile was actually a contrail from an airplane. After a few days many different experts weighed in on the topic by confirming that it was indeed a missile. It was a two-stage submarine launched ballistic missile. It was most likely China providing a warning to the United States. If you think about it for a second, you will realize that this act was absolutely outrageous and unacceptable. This is a nuclear challenge from China – stay out of our core interests, or prepare for nuclear war.

If you go to this site you will quickly see that the author has done an incredible amount of homework to build his case. Much of the conclusions that he draws are topics that we have discussed over the past 3 years on this blog or in adult education.

In his reason #20, the author says this;
20. Bible prophecy suggests that something big is about to happen. If the end times started with the arrival of modern Israel, then something big is up.

Yep....something big is brewing. I think lots of folks who read their Bible and spend any time in the news are coming to the exact same conclusion.

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