
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Droughts Lead to Famine

Yesterday I was reading in the Jerusalem Post how the Sea of Galilee is pretty much at it's lowest point in modern history. That's a big problem when Israel gets all it's fresh water from that lake.

Now today there is a bunch of headlines all trumpeting the severe droughts taking place around the world.

"PHOTOS: "Alarming" Amazon Drought—River Hits New Low"

"Drought plagues China's major wheat regions"

THE National Farmers Federation are concerned that the drought reform measures being tested in WA this year, are being complicated by the State having one of its worst seasons on record.

According to the National Climatic Data Center, the two-month period of October and November was the state's eighth driest on record, and second driest in 44 years. If Texas doesn't receive at least 0.78 inches in December, it would be the driest October-December period since the 1950s.

The New Zealand government has declared part of North Island a medium level drought zone this week and agriculture minister David Carter said more regions were likely to join it following the driest spring over the whole country since records began.

Add all these headlines to the fact that Russia had it's worst drought in 130 years and you may start to understand why food prices have gone up on corn, wheat and most everything that has sugar in it.

Would it be a good investment to buy food today if you knew it was going to cost twice as much next year? I will give you the answer to that one...."yes".

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