
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Europe's Turn to Threaten Israel

It seems that pressure from the U.S. on Israel to make peace has subsided a least from what we can read in the media. But it appears that it might now be the European Union who is going to pick up the pressure.

EUROPEAN Union foreign ministers have threatened to recognise an independent Palestinian state to punish Israel for refusing to halt illegal settlements.

A text seen by The Daily Telegraph warned of EU ''readiness, when appropriate, to recognise a Palestinian state'', increasing pressure on Israel following the effective collapse of direct Middle East peace talks last week.

''There is growing frustration with Israel after its refusal to commit to a new settlements freeze and patience is running out,'' a European diplomat said.

See it here;

Hmmmm......makes me wonder if this will increase the pressure on Europe as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and others are on the brink of bankruptcy....and the pressure on the Euro as a unifying currency continues to build?

Also continue to watch the unrest build in Europe as protesters show up on the streets on a daily basis to DEMAND more programs, borrowed money and more "free" lunches.

We can't know for sure how this prophecy may play out....but it is worthwhile to note that prophecy speaks of 10 powers in the revived Roman empire who will rise up in the last days. Is it possible that this pressure could make 16 members drop out of the union so that only 10 are left?

We will need to watch.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    On the topic of the 10 nations...

    Open link... Count Flags...

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is scheduled to visit Istanbul, Turkey, on December 23 to participate in the 11th summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) members.

    Hummm that new silk road looks a lot like the path of the black flag army in the Hadiths...



  2. Hi Tom,
    is it your opinion (based on Daniel prophecy) that the 10 nations will be some sort of subset that has something to do with the revived Roman empire? I saw the 10 flags but didn't see anything European/Roman about any of them. Thoughts?

  3. Hi Dennis,

    Daniel indicates that Israel and in the Church will go along with this prince. (Dan.9:27) So did Moses in the Song of Moses. So did Jesus.(John 5:43) "The prince who is to come" (Dan.9:26) Makes a seven year covenant with Israel. Half way through those 7 years the wheels come off the cart... 7 Seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. Could the revived Roman Empire be conquered, subdued by the 10 nations??? Brought into the confederation. When you look at the Shia eschatology. Once they roll through all of Arabia they will have OPEC and all the oil. That is some solid bargaining power. According to the Hadiths they will conquer Constantinople first then Rome. Just thinking, wanted to get your thoughts.

  4. Here a a couple of short videos to consider.

    Jihad: Muslims Will Conquer Rome - Islam Will Rule the World

    Islam: Muslims will Conquer and Rule Europe!

  5. Hi Tom,
    when Daniel says "He will confirm a covenant with many." I believe that is speaking of the Jews and their neighbors/enemies. I don't believe Daniel has anything to say about the Church because I believe the Church will have already been raptured BEFORE the antichrist is revealed. (2 Thessalonians)

    You make some great points and I did read Joel Richardson's book about the 12th Imam = Antichrist...and he makes some great points too.

    I think it is VERY possible the the events you mention could happen. Also, isn't there a passage in Isaiah that refers to the anitchrist as "the Assyrian"?....that would make him an Arab/Iraqi/Syrian possibility.

    Finally, as Richardson points out, he believes the 2nd Temple was destroyed by Arabs who were conscripted to the Roman we should be expecting an Arab antichrist.

    I will watch the youtube clips and see what they say.

  6. Hi Dennis,

    Dito on 7 year covenant between Jews and their neighbors/enemies.
    Humm.. Might want to keep an eye on this...
    As part of negotiations, US reportedly proposes Israel lease border region for 7 years;
    I am with you on pre 70th week rapture. 2nd Thes
    Yep, Assyrian…Ancient Assyria is now Syria, Iraq, Jordan,
    Babylon is in present day Iraq. The 12th Imam rules from Kufu, present day Babylon.
    After the rapture, Ezekiel’s war… Then the Imam's apparition… This is the short list…

    1. Islamic countries unite
    2. End of Saudi Kingdom rule, Arabs get stomped, united Islam controls OPEC
    3. Kufa - Iraq as the capital of the world Babylon
    4. Imam Al-Mehdi goes to Palestine, not a social visit.
    5. Descending of prophet Jesus from the Sky, ISA= Jesus not of G_d, created like Adam.
    6. Dajjal is killed, dissolves like salt in water, aka Witnesses taken to heaven
    7. Prophet Jesus kills all those who will not convert to Islam.
    8. Only one government for the entire world under Sharia law
    9. Only one religion for the entire world, Islam
    10. The end time battle and doomsday day.

    When you line up Christian and Islamic eschatology the sequence of events becomes more clear. It is worth noting that according to Shia tradition Armageddon is fought between the Muslims and Christians.


