
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good News for USA

We had some good news the other day that Obama has basically given up on pressuring Israel to make peace with their Arab enemies.

Today we have more good news out of the U.S. Congress.

Congress: No to Palestinian statehood declaration

House of Representatives unanimously decides to remind Obama it supports Israel, passes motion saying US will not recognize Palestinian state declared without Israel's approval, veto UN resolution to this effect if it is brought forth

"The US reaffirms strong opposition to any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians," the motion says, also stating that "real and lasting peace could only be achieved through direct negotiations between the two sides".

The house mentioned that Palestinian leaders were threatening to make a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state and were requesting recognition from the UN and other international forums.

See it here;,7340,L-3999994,00.html

Maybe you have heard, but Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay have all recognized a Palestinian state back to the 1967 borders....and they did this without any consult with Israel.

We will have to see what happens to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay...but for now we should do a little whistle that our U.S. Congress has decided to stand with Israel for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    N. Korea warns Seoul to cancel military drill Russia expresses 'extreme concern' over South's live-firing exercise.

    I don't think the connection between N Korea, Iran, and Lebanon is not insignificant.


