
Friday, December 17, 2010

North and South Korea...the Fur Could Fly

Last month the North unexpectedly bombed some islands that are in the South's territory. People were killed and property destroyed. The South issued some strong language but listened to their American handlers and avoided carrying out any revenge attacks.

Today we have the South announcing that their military is going to practice some live firing drills on the very island that the North attacked.

Needless to say, that is provoking the North....and who knows?....the fur could really start to fly.

UNITED NATIONS -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is urging North Korea to show restraint and calling on both Koreas to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The U.N. chief's comments Friday followed Pyongyang's warning that if Seoul goes ahead with planned artillery drills on a front-line island in the coming days it will respond with a bigger attack than it did on Nov. 23 when its shelling killed four South Koreans.

Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister, called the Nov. 23 attack on the tiny island of Yeonpyeong "one of the gravest provocations since the end of Korean war."

The secretary-general also called North Korea's recent disclosure of a new uranium enrichment facility "quite alarming."

See it here;

If this whole thing wasn't so deadly really would be quite funny. Why? Because it is funny to watch liberals (like Ban Ki-moon) try and deal with bullies. They SO abhor violence and so dismiss it as a usable tool....that they simply have no idea what to do with a bully like North Korea or Iran. They seem to be truly surprised when their smart talk and financial carrots fail to produce the desired result. And then they just stand off and issue phrases like, "Quite alarming!" and "Please show some restraint!"

When will the leaders of the free world realize that violence is the one rule that trumps all on this planet where Satan is currently the prince? When we have peace, it is only because the free world was willing to use violence to gain that peace....and that peace will only be a temporary respite before violence ensues again. Another way to look at it is that violence is the "default" setting for planet earth....when you hit the "reset" button, everything goes back to violence and anarchy.

One thing for sure....America has shown it's weakness in Iraq and Afghanistan because it has taken forever to gain any victory. When we sent an aircraft carrier to show support for South Korea, everyone in the world KNEW that we wouldn't shoot one single North Korean soldier from it. Iran thumbs it's nose at us. China thumbs it's nose at us. And the despots and dictators of the world have sat up and taken notice....and the respect of U.S. power has been greatly diminished...and the world has grown more dangerous as we approach the "reset" button.

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