
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Everyone Goes to Heaven?

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me."

Do you believe that? you REALLY believe that?

Sadly, a recent survey shows that most Evangelicals don't believe that Jesus was telling the truth when he clearly uttered those words.

The majority of Protestants and evangelicals believe that good people and people of other religions can go to heaven, according to author David Campbell.

Campbell, who co-wrote American Grace, How Religion Divides and Unites Us, contends that surveys of 3,000 Americans, used to write the book, show that American people of faith, though devout, are very tolerant. So much so that most believers also believe that good people, despite their religious affiliation, can go to heaven.

Among the faiths, 83 percent of evangelical Protestants agreed that good people of other religions can go to heaven. Ninety percent of black Protestants also believe good people can go to heaven.

When prodded further, more than half – 54 percent – of evangelical Protestants said yes, people of religions other than Christianity can go to heaven. Sixty-two percent of black Protestants agreed with the statement.

See it here;

Jesus said there will be a great apostasy in the Last Days....when even people who we believe to be our brothers and sisters in faith....will simply not believe what Jesus said.

Sounds like this "Universalism" belief that all "good" people go to heaven....may be another big sign that we are living in the Last Days.

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