
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Iraqi Business Boom

Revelation tells us that we can expect the Last Days economy to have a big presence in Babylon, Iraq. So as we approach the rapture and then The Tribulation, we should expect to see the global economy start to lean towards Iraq.

Today's Wall Street Journal has an article that is eerily prophetic as it talks about the coming business boom which is exploding in Iraq.

The expected announcement of Iraq's new government marks the culmination of a remarkable process. The former bully-boy of the Arab neighborhood has become its only functional democracy. What may be the world's richest resource economy, once the closed shop of a murderous clique, is today wide open for business.

Driven by what many geologists consider the world's largest oil reserves, Iraq will probably be the world's biggest crude oil producer within a decade. The country currently ranks second to Saudi Arabia in official reserves, with 143 billion barrels. With much of Iraq's exploration still to come after a three-decade hiatus, and with Saudi Arabia's reserves substantially inflated and already in decline, Iraq could take the mantle as No. 1 in fairly short order.

Oil, people and history are not Iraq's only advantages. One of the important food-exporting countries of world history, watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq possesses abundant agricultural potential. Located at the head of the Persian Gulf, Iraq is poised to regain its ancient role as a trade link between East and West. A modern rail system linking the Gulf to Europe via Turkey will provide Asian exports a faster, safer and cheaper alternative to the Suez Canal and the Horn of Africa.

Iraq's greatest resource is its famously resourceful, tough, educated and enterprising people. Whereas the capitals of the Gulf oil monarchies did not have paved streets a generation or two ago, Baghdad and Basra are ancient capitals of commerce, ideas and global finance.

See it here;

Holy Cow!! Do we remember that the Tower of Babel was in Iraq and the Jews were hauled to Babylon, Iraq after the Babylonians destroyed Solomon's temple in Jerusalem? Do we remember that the Bible is full of stories where things come full circle? Do we remember that many of earth's Satanic religions have their foundation in Babylon?

Is it possible that the U.S. military was used to clear the way for Babylon to rise out of the ashes and become the world's financial capital?

Is it a coincidence that many Muslims believe that their savior, the 12th Imam, will rule from Iraq after he comes?


Be a Berean and figure it out.

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