Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Israel-Gaza War...Just a Question of When?

We remember what King Abdullah from Jordan said earlier this year....if there is no peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian arabs by the end of 2010, war will break out.

Well....2010 will end in a few weeks and there certainly is no peace should be no surprise to read this in today's news;

A senior Israeli army officer has told the BBC that as long as Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip, another war is "a question of when, not if".

He said the Palestinian Islamist group had rearmed so much since the Israeli offensive two years ago that it was now in a stronger position militarily.

There has been an increase in rocket fire coming from Gaza in the past week.

Now pay attention to what the VERY LIBERAL BBC felt necessary to state in this article;

The UN has said at least 62 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli action in Gaza so far this year. Over the same period, one Thai farm worker has been killed by rockets fired from the coastal territory into Israel.

See it here;

It's so stupid when the UN and other liberal organizations try and make a point about excessive retaliation by Israel. Here's the deal Hamas and quit lobbing rockets over the border and onto kindergartens and Israel won't kill one of you. However, everytime you lob a homemade missile into Israel...even if it's a souped-up bottle rocket.....we are going to drop a 500 lb bomb on a Hamas building...and if people die, the blood will be on YOUR hands.

Why can the liberals not understand such a simple concept? Do they believe that if Palestine shoots a bottle rocket that Israel should only return fire with a bottle rocket? That strategy would never work with Muslim extremists because they would play that game forever. Estremists in Gaza value death and believe that dying in jihad is the only sure way to paradise and the 70 virgins. They name their streets after suicide bombers...for Allah's sake! The only language they totally understand is an utter and complete crushing.

Anyway....war continues to brew in the region and Iran is arming Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south. It's only a matter of time.

Remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Remember to pray for the Muslims....because without Christ, they will be banished to hell for eternity. And lest we should boast of our salvation, let's remember that before Christ saved us...that's also where we were all going.


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