
Friday, December 3, 2010

Israel Not Ready for War With Iran

With a huge fire still raging today in Israel, foreign firefighters and their equipment are showing up to help Israeli firefighters get control of this historic fire.

So what is everyone learning from this lesson?

That Israel is not prepared for a war with Iran because their emergency services are ill prepared to douse fires that would result from thousands of missiles raining down from Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.

The enormous blaze that broke out on the Carmel will be remembered as the Yom Kippur War of the Fire and Rescue Service, who were not prepared to counter a disaster of such magnitude.

Yesterday it turned out that Israel is not prepared for war or a mass terrorist strike that would cause many casualties in the home front. The warning of the outgoing Military Intelligence Chief, Amos Yadlin, that the next war will be a lot more difficult than past experiences, and that Tel Aviv will be a front line, was not translated into the necessary preparation by the authorities assigned the protection of the civilians.

Under such circumstances, it is best for Israel not to embark on war against Iran, which will involve thousands of missiles being fired on the home front.

After the Second Lebanon War, which exposed how pathetic the civil defense system was, reports were written, exercises were held, but everything broke down under the stress of a real emergency on the Carmel range − an area that already experienced the trauma of Hezbollah missiles.

See it here;

It makes one wonder if Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria and Iran are reading this very same article (of course they are!) and consulting with each other saying, "I wonder if we should hit these guys now while they are weak?"

Truthfully, if you really did want to utterly destroy an would wait until they were at their weakest moment to launch an attack.

No doubt that both Israel and it's enemies are gleaning information as Israel exposes it's emergency services to public view while fighting this monstrous fire.

Once again.....Israel is in the top-headline news.

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