
Friday, December 3, 2010

Presbyterians Against Israel

Today's Wall Street Journal has another article about Israel. This one has to do with how some Christian churches are turning on Israel and has much to do with, "replacement theology".

In many ways, the second half of the 20th century was a high point for Jewish-Christian relations. Today, however, the anti-Israel politics of certain powerful Christian bodies hampers interfaith relations and threatens to breathe new life into medieval doctrine that demonized Jews for hundreds of years.

In 2007, the World Council of Churches, an umbrella organization of mostly liberal Protestants claiming a membership of 580 million worshippers, convened the "Churches Together for Peace and Justice in the Middle East Conference." The conference produced the Amman Call, a document that condemned violence and endorsed a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but denied Israel's right to a future as a Jewish state.

Most importantly, these Palestinian church leaders declared that there must not be a Jewish state because any religious state is inherently racist. They mentioned in this regard only Israel, of course, ignoring all Muslim states and others with an official state religion.

The Kairos document quickly won accolades from religious groups including from the Presbyterian Church (USA), which has 2.3 million American members and in 2004 was the first mainline American Protestant group to call for divestment from Israel.

See it here;

Divestment from Israel? They are of course using the same language that they used when they divested themselves from South Africa and apartheid 25 years ago.....obviously many want to compare Israel with old South Africa! Amazing!!

How sad that it may soon be ONLY the Bible believing Christians who stand by Israel. And of course persecution WILL be coming for us as well because we stand with Israel.

I am amazed when I talk to self professed Christians who don't believe in any future prophetic role of Israel. When I point out specific verses in the old and new testament that CLEARLY talk about Israel's role during the last days, all they can say is, "Is that REALLY what it says?" How funny/sad that Satan also used that same line in his VERY FIRST DECEPTION...."Did God really say you shall not eat of it?"

1 comment:

  1. a bit of GOOD news - the Amish now reject the replacement theory:

    "The Amish come to Israel, ask Jews for forgiveness"
