Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Israeli Electrician Sees Throne Room

I first ran across this story in the Jerusalem Post back when my eyes were first being opened to the idea that we are living in the Last Days. It was this article that I credit with opening my eyes to the 2012 phenomenon.

In short, the Israeli guy died in 1968 for a period of 7 minutes before being brought back to life through shock treatment. Where was he for those minutes that he died? Sounds like he was in the throne room getting an ominous message regarding 2012.

"When I died, my soul went up," he states calmly from his home in Jerusalem. "There was a room I was standing in, and in front of me was an open door. Everything was white, but not white like the walls, a pure white, a white that we don't have here in this world. "The doors in front of me opened and I saw a spectacular sight: In front of me was a man sitting on a high chair, two men sat on either side of him, and on either side of me were six other men. They looked like regular people, but were wearing this pure white, with pure white beards and white hair. They had no wrinkles or blemishes on their faces and their eyes were glowing, as if there was fire or light emanating from them. They were all beautiful." Though he only died for seven minutes, Yosef experienced a lengthy encounter with what he called the judges of the world to come, who did not identify themselves to him. They did, however, leave him with lasting messages to impart to the Jewish people and its leaders upon his return to this world. "They said they invited me because I had zechut avot (merits of the fathers - credit from their good deeds)," says Yosef, explaining that his father had been a great rabbi in Iran, where he built a synagogue for the Jewish community and provided them with a Torah scroll. When his family moved to Israel, his father continued to work in construction, and as such also had the merit "of building the land of Eretz Yisrael." For that reason, Yosef says, the Beit Din shel Ma'ala (high court of heaven) promised to return him to this world with critical messages for the leaders of Israel, along with the warning that unless they amend their wicked behavior, tragedy will be inevitable. "They told me it can't be that there are people in Israel who are starving, it can't be that the rich continue getting richer and the poor continue getting poorer," recounts Yosef from a 17-page document he wrote by hand as soon as he remembered the encounter more than 35 years ago. The document comprises a complex list of the major modern transgressions of the Jewish people, including intermarriage of Jews with non-Jews, disrespect among Jews of Jewish tradition and customs and even cruelty to animals. But most sinful, reported Yosef, was the leadership of the State of Israel. "The government and regime of Israel is corrupt and must change their ways," continues Yosef. "Those elected to the Knessetmust be chosen according to the rules laid out in the Torah, and not according to money and power." If the leaders of Israel don't change their ways, Yosef was warned, just as the Holy Temple was twice destroyed, so too the Zionist state will be destroyed - in 2012. "A charismatic leader from an Islamic state will gather two million soldiers from all the Islamic countries and they will attack us, killing one-and-a-half million Israelis," Yosef explains in his surprisingly calm voice. "We will launch the atom bomb and kill 10-15 million Arabs in two days, and tens of millions of others will die from radiation poisoning." Nonetheless, he was told, the Arab nations will conquer Israel for a period of nine months to a year, after which God will perform a miracle and free us from their oppression, willing us to repent and reform and bring about the coming of the Messiah and ultimate salvation. But all of this can be avoided, he maintains, if the leaders of Israel and the entire Jewish nation change their ways. "For 2,000 years we have been in exile, and we still haven't learned our lesson," he professes. "If we change our ways, redemption will come."

Do we know that this is true? Of course not. Does this sound like a throne room that the Bible talks about? Sure seems to. Do we believe Israel will be destroyed in 2012? According to the Bible the world will turn on Israel in the Last Days but she will never be totally destroyed.

So what does this mean? I have no idea other than it opened my eyes to start watching for 2012...and holy cow, there is a lot of stuff brewing for that year.
(Update from when I first posted this last night: Let me be very clear....I do not believe that this Israeli actually SAW the throne room of God and was given a message. God has given us his Word, the prophets and the Messiah. Nothing else is needed. I would be more prone to believe that Satan appeared as an "angel of light" and put a vision in this guys head.)


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